
  1. N

    Any experience with appealing Wise?

    Wise banking which we used for 6 years with zero issues, out of nowhere decided that one of my businesses - video game services, is not allowed per their T.o.S, and has closed all my accounts with all my savings and available money. Not just one business, but all my 5 different small businesses...
  2. J

    Bonds or saving account (1.9% p.a.)?

    Hi, I'm planning an investment to 60% stocks (VWCE) and 40% bonds. The bonds part is there to reduce risks/volatility. In my country I have an option to have a saving account with 1.9% p.a. interest rate - after taxes. This may ofc change, but expect that this rate will stay at least for a...
  3. P

    Recieving a large sum of eur into wise bank account

    Good morning gentlemen This week i am gonna receive around 200 k Eur into my wise acount(sold a property) Being a user of wise for the last 4.years..many transfers were made and also receiving my salary here in germany and had 0 issues with them I did upload the selling contract to their...
  4. N

    What to do with little money?

    Hey! So, I’m definitely not rich, and looking at the amount of savings I managed to get over the past years, I’m rather realistic about ever being able to make more than I do with my current job. I mean, I love what I do, but it’s not gonna get me far with money. I have around 15k EUR in my...
  5. J

    To my 9-5 Redditors

    Why work a corporate job, alright pay, long hours, no free time, etc. as opposed to starting a business ? Generally curious.
  6. L

    Can a U.S. debt collection agency touch me from overseas?

    Hi, I made a similar post in r/personalfinance, but this question is more EU-centered. I've been getting emails from Halsted Financial Services, a debt collection agency, wherein stating that I owed some $6,000 from Citi Bank, and the creditor to which this debt is owed is Cavalry SPV I, LLC...
  7. F

    Which ones to sell first?

    I have ‚x‘ amount of vested RSUs at 190 per share which are at a loss currently and also have ‚y‘ amount of vested RSUs at 134 per share which are at a profit. I have decided to sell some of them. Should I close the loss positions or the ones at profit? Why?
  8. U

    [DE] Advice on starting investing

    Hello, after reading this sub for a year, I finally decided to start investing (the waiting has probably cost me!). I’m a 33yo Czech citizen, working in IT in Berlin. I got lucky being able to live relatively inexpensively biking or walking everywhere, paying just around 500E rent, might go on...
  9. V

    Help with financial advisor's recommendation

    Looking for insights on this proposal our bank manager gave us. For context, we're a 32-year old couple with a child due later in the year. The total amount to be invested would be around EUR 800,000. We don't have debts and don't currently need the money, but we will likely want to buy a...
  10. E

    Buying a property for AirBnB and own use

    Which cities in Europe would be good for this? Having reliable property management services, good yields and low upkeep. Ideally, I would also like to finance that through a mortgage (a larger deposit than usual is expected and fine). I have a stable employment contract in Switzerland if that...
  11. L

    How does EUR hedging of US Treasury bills work?

    I'm trying to understand bond market. Let's say in my broker account I have a choice between two types of the same US government bond ETF, let's call them: - US Bond USD ETF - US Bond EUR Hedged ETF So, the same product (US gov. bonds), same issuer (iShares), but one is EUR hedged. Both...
  12. N

    Best EU countries to live off annual yield

    What would be the best countries to change your financial residence to, given the following criteria: you have 500 k eur invested in sp500 and want to live off a 4% yield you want to pay the least amount of taxes possible you can get by with English language affordable health care cheap cost of...
  13. D

    [De/Ger] Need recommendation for Tax/Steuer software

    There are infinite number of software packages for tax declaration, but given no experience I have no idea which one is a good investment. Any recommendation from fellow redditors? So far I have only been using elster, both online and offline version, but starting this year my situation will...
  14. D

    Short-term (3-6m) EUR investment - EUR alternative to US T-bills or what?

    I am looking to invest some savings that would go towards a house downpayment, so I want to keep them available in short term. Local banks (Greece) offer a 6m deposit rate of around 1.5% which seems low given the general rates around the world. I would look to get a 3-6m US T-bill for roughly...
  15. K

    Best ETF broker?

    Hi everyone, Im looking for an ETF broker as the one Im currently with has high fees. Which would you recommend? I’ve heard not to go to eToro, but that Scalabe, Interactive Brokers and Trading 212 are good. Which would you recommend? I tend to buy just a few ETFs a year (Im a student so don’t...
  16. E

    [IBKR] Smart Routing & Comissions

    Hi, all Recently moved to Interactive Brokers after Degiro increased their fees, trying to save some money but tbh wondering if IBKR isn’t more expensive really. Two questions for any IBKR users, my only use-case is buy and hold ETFs, no trading: - IBKR seems to default to Smart Routing...
  17. K

    How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?

    US short-term treasury rates are on the rise in the last months. Today the 6 month treasury bill rate is 3.44%. How can we buy these from Europe? Any suggestions? I see there are some ETF options, but these ETFs are usually mixed and they continuously buy the respective bonds. Let's say I...
  18. B

    I am at the verge of ignoring all my financial wisdom and invest in riskier investments

    Every day I am bombarded with news how certain stocks appreciated 100s% in a short time (e.g., Nvidia). And now, friends also started boasting how their investments (real-estate, options, day trading, stock picking, etc) yielding amazing returns. And here I am stuck with my boring ETFs. I am...
  19. M

    What is the order in which ETFs/Shares are sold?

    Suppose I bought 10 shares of an ETF at 100$ and another 10 shares of that same ETF at 90$ at a later point of time. The average right now is 95$ for 20 shares. A) Now if I sell 10 shares at 97$, will it be considered as a profit or a loss? Is the buying price considered or average price...
  20. L

    Which cities have the best balance of salary/cost of living in Europe for a mid-level product designer?

    I’m considering moving to the EU from the US for a better quality of life. I enjoy skiing, mountains, and hiking, so looking into Zurich but open to warmer climates as well. I noticed in Germany and a lot of EU countries, salaries for product design are quite low. However, in Zurich I’m seeing...