
  1. A

    Employment down in June 2022 / L’emploi diminue en juin 2022

    Employment in Canada was down in June 2022. Here are some highlights from this month’s Labour Force Survey: Employment fell by 43,000 (-0.2%) in June, fully offsetting the increase of 40,000 recorded in May. This marks the first employment decline not associated with a tightening of public...
  2. J

    Input on salary negotiation

    I’m an NZ based TV producer selling and making shows for the international market. It’s time for me to negotiate a new fixed term contract with my employers. Over three years, with a sales target of 8.7 million in revenue, I created and sold 14.7 million worth of ‘product’. Which are basically...
  3. L

    Which cities have the best balance of salary/cost of living in Europe for a mid-level product designer?

    I’m considering moving to the EU from the US for a better quality of life. I enjoy skiing, mountains, and hiking, so looking into Zurich but open to warmer climates as well. I noticed in Germany and a lot of EU countries, salaries for product design are quite low. However, in Zurich I’m seeing...
  4. J

    Boss not paying on time

    Hi everyone/ anyone who can help I’m currently a sole trader working/ sub contracting to someone in Auckland. I am in the trades. I say sub contracting but I don’t do any work for anybody else and only work for the same person, so technically by some standards in NZ I am an employee. My...
  5. L

    Am I supposed to be paid for Family Day in Ontario, if I am P/T and usually off Mondays?

    I noticed my employer hasn't paid me Stat holidays on Mon since 2016. Since I usually work 8 hours per day P/T on Fri/Sat/Sun. Am I entitled to holiday pay aka 8 hours?
  6. N

    US full-time contractor v.s CAD Full-time Employee

    Hi guys, I have two options given by a U.S company to me. I have the choice to be payed 160k USD or 218k CAD 1) If you'd like to get paid in USD, you will be hired as a contractor per our third party payment platform. (don't worry you're still considered a full time employee as far as we're...
  7. J

    Q: Working for Dutch company, resident in France. Any experience with TFE?

    Hello, hope this is ok to ask here. I'm an EU citizen and am currently working for a Dutch organisation on a permanent contract and living in The Netherlands. Next month I am relocating to France and plan on living there. My Dutch employer is willing to keep me on my current contract but as...
  8. S

    Help with deciding on Job Offer/Counteroffer

    I need to make a career/job decision and being early(ish) in my career would like some feedback and advise. I live in Ontario. Context: I have 5yrs of experience. Been working at my current company for 3yrs. A competitor recently gave me an offer paying 30% more than what I currently make, to...
  9. E

    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    Hi all, so I am often reading the contributions on FatFIRE. And there people are describing compensation packages which sound fantastical, if I compare them with what there is in Europe (even converting USD to EUR at a rate of 1.2). Like you have stories that if you start as a software engineer...
  10. A

    Employment gain in April driven by part-time work / La hausse de l’emploi observée en avril est attribuable au travail à temps partiel

    The employment gain in April 2023 was driven by part-time work. Here are some highlights from the latest Labour Force Survey : Employment rose by 41,000 (+0.2%) in April 2023, all in part-time work. The unemployment rate was 5.0% in April 2023, unchanged since December 2022. This remained near...
  11. A

    Job Options

    I am 25, a chemist and I currently have 2 job offers on the table. One is based in the oil sands in Alberta. Fly in fly out for $30/hr 7 days on 7 off. The other is $22/hr in Montreal, full time afternoon shift, working every other Saturday (and mostly 10hr days) I know this comes down to...
  12. L

    White collar workers, do you think that it’s your fault if you don’t get a REM rate raise?

    I was having a chat with a colleague about our pay rise this year. I got a decent one and she didn’t. So I asked her if she pushed for it? As in made notes of what she has done and discuss it with her manager to then leverage a raise. She said no and said that it’s done through her KPIs. I...
  13. J

    Shoutout to the good employers out there!

    I made a post last month regarding Notice period covering paid Chistmas paid vacation () I resigned by giving 2+ weeks notice with last day being December 9. The company paid the 2 weeks holidays anyway during the full and final pay, they didn't have to. So it worked out well. I would like to...
  14. M

    Interviewing after starting at a new company, when to communicate this?

    I recently left company X for company Y, and am in the first week of company Y. I am also currently interviewing for company Z. When I sent my resume to company Z I was still with original company X, so I don’t have company Y on my resume nor have I mentioned that I now work for company Y...
  15. E

    Remote Worker Pension

    Hi everyone, I am working for a U.K based company (in England, not N.I) I have raised the fact I want to move back to Ireland and be considered as a remote worker They finally have the means and will pay me via "Remote" and they handle the healthcare etc. side of things too A question I asked...
  16. A

    Rules regarding remote work in the EU

    I am a non-European currently working as a contractor in Poland and I recently got a PhD offer in Italy. I know I have full right to work in Poland and, as a PhD student in Italy, I should be allowed to work there as part time only. Since my job is not very demanding, fully remote and paid in...
  17. R

    Employer messed up my D.O.B.

    So as the title says when my employer took my information he registered my date of birth a year before it actually is. I work at a restaurant and he asked if I mind being one of the employees that was laid off. Does anyone know if this will effect my filing or how to remedy the situation?
  18. E

    Big 4 Starting Salary (and Beyond)

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on the starting salaries this year for big 4 grads (in Dublin) and if they’ve got any idea of the year-on-year increase for different year bands. Always confused why there’s no transparency about it when so many people work there. Thanks!