emergency fund

  1. L

    Quitting My Amazing Job (Am I insane?)

    Hello fellow redditors! First time posting here. 28M, currently earning 6k per month (take home pay around 5.2k). My car is fully paid off, only commitments are PTPTN and some basic utilities. FYI my company is in the Branding/Marketing industry, we deal with clients from all around Asia to...
  2. M

    Having both ASB and ASB-F

    Hi, I'm new to the whole saving thing so this might be a stupid q. I just opened a ASBf with Maybank, can I have a normal ASB account without loan to do both simultaneously? Thank you!
  3. P

    Where should I store my emergency fund? (F/21/International Student)

    Hi, I’m an international student in Malaysia with 4,600 RM in my savings, that I saved as emergency fund. It’s sitting in a Maybank Goal Savings Plan in my Maybank account. The current interest rate is 0.20% p.a. I’m only 21 and I can’t help but feel that I should be putting this money into a...