
  1. R

    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022)

    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022) - Comparative Line Graph of top 6 Economies of ASEAN: PHILIPPINE GDP GROWTH (2010 up to DATE) - QoQ and YoY GDP Growth of the Philppines
  2. C

    Do we Millennials/Gen Z have it economically harder than our Gen X/Boomer parents?

    I'm in my late 20s coming from a top 3 Uni. I worked pretty good jobs in Banking & Finance. Most of my batchmates have yet to achieve "mainstream" financial and life milestones that our parents have achieved at around our age. By "mainstream" milestones I mean, having your own, house, car/s...
  3. B

    Fellow millennials, how are u guys doing economically nowadays?

    I came across a chapter of a book wherein it highlights the advantages and disadvantages of a father and son from the same lifetime. The gist of it was that the father had it rough because of world war while the son had it easy because he started working after the war. The son actually made it...
  4. H

    Class A, B, C, D, E.... how does one define these income groups?

    Every other business and economist type bandies this around and never defined in numbers who these are. Anyone have great reference for them that is updated for 2022? Why can't the classes be broken down into fixed financial numbers like the US? Putting label to them sounds very kind(?) not to...