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    Riskier borrowers under inflation pressure frozen out of US car loans (FT) Lenders concentrate on consumers with better credit and delinquencies rise in subprime tier Lenders are extending fewer loans to the car buyers with the riskiest profiles, a sign that they are bracing for an economic slowdown that...
  2. A

    Need help on if I should let the impound lot keep my car.

    Car was loaned at 23k. I think I only have like 8 months left till the thing is paid off.. ~~ general Depression, tried to end it, blah blah ~~ fell behind on all my bills, car got repossessed, but j kept my apt. Car didn’t have insurance. And was in a bad car accident. Will cost about...
  3. B

    F It, probably won't make it to retirement. Cashing out retirement to buy a house

    in muh 30s, have about 60k in 403(b), I am cashing it out for a downpayment on a house. Tired of throwing away money to a landlord. I am done, doubt I'll live long enough to see 65 anyways. ####### Thanks Everyone, after reading through comments I decided I would just use FHA in combination...