
  1. C

    HBP Repayment

    I had about $3500 left to pay back into my HBP withdrawal from 2 years ago. In November 2022, I did a payment to my account of the exact amount owed, resulting in a balance owed of $0. I know PFC is going to yell at me for not investing it, but I just wanted to not have to remember it every tax...
  2. N

    6% 1yr fixed GIC at TD

    What’s everyone doing with their GICs? I locked in at RBC for 1 yr fixed at 5.3% last month, which I kind of regret now. I just got approved yesterday for 6% 1yr fixed at TD. Should I put in the rest of what I have left in my investments budget at TD? Or just put in half for now and wait and see...
  3. D

    Insurance s*cks in Ontario

    My auto insurance keep going up every year either due to inflation or model and postal code combo price Is there any company which is less burn on your pockets?
  4. N

    PSA: pay off the Ontario portion of your OSAP (currently at 7.45% interest)!!!

    Currently cleaning up my finances and paying down all debt, only to remember about the one loan I never “worried” about (other than monthly minimum payments). Having just paid off a 3.45% LOC, it hurt my heart to see the 7.45% Ontario loan not get prioritized first. Alas, when we know better, we...
  5. K

    TFSA Contribution room -$90K for a n immigrant

    I(31) came to Canada in August 2021 on and still on work permit. I was recently looking to contribute in TFSA and found I have a contribution room of $90k. I was under the impression that it would be something near $18k from 2021-2024. Is this a glitch, am I missing something here? However...
  6. M

    $MYLK.v wins Two Categories at World Plant-Based Awards!

    The Planting Hope Company ($MYLK $MYLK.v) is a plant-based food and beverage company focusing on producing nutritious and planet-friendly products. Their flagship brand, Hope and Sesame, offers the world's first commercially available sesame milk and will be available in stores in January 2022...
  7. J

    I'm not yet an accredited investor, can someone who is invest on my behalf?

    Is this a recommended approach to go around it? I've got the capital, annoys me I'm not able to invest it on great businesses raising funds. Does someone else know a different way of investing w/o being an accredited investor? Thank you!
  8. J

    Another t1135 question. Please help

    Please help! I believe I've read almost all t1135 posts, and they're quite case-specific. My questions are basic (please don't refer me to the CRA website and/or definitions as I've read and reread them. I also read what's on and similar websites I've come across from other t1135...
  9. M

    Rent dispute

    Hello everyone, In my the apartment I have been living in for a year, they are raising the rent 2.7% but this whole building has cockroaches, they have sprayed my apartment and possibly the building but the problem persists in waves. I’m wondering if I have grounds to reject the rent raise...
  10. S

    Advice appreciated (25 y/o F in Toronto)

    Hi guys, I'm a 25 year old female (soon to be 26 in a few months) working in the Federal government, making around $63,000 annually. I've been really interested in saving for the past year or so and have recently been reading a lot about Personal Finance on Mr. Money Mustache, Canadian Couch...
  11. N

    1.2% variable now 3.45%

    Hello, Looking for some advice here. I bought a condo in downtown Toronto back in January with 1.2% variable open payment, now the rate I pay is 3.45% due to the recent rate hikes. I'm on a 5 year term. When I first bought the condo my monthly mortgage payment was $2180.00 and now it's...
  12. N

    US full-time contractor v.s CAD Full-time Employee

    Hi guys, I have two options given by a U.S company to me. I have the choice to be payed 160k USD or 218k CAD 1) If you'd like to get paid in USD, you will be hired as a contractor per our third party payment platform. (don't worry you're still considered a full time employee as far as we're...
  13. 0

    Should/how would one report an H&R block employee for incompetence?

    Today I went to file my taxes with a “tax expert” at H&R block. I don’t want to come across as ageist but the gentleman helping me was an octogenarian who did not seem to have a firm grasp of the relevant technology. At the end of the appointment he informed me I “almost broke even”. I was...
  14. U

    "The rise of ETFs is making life miserable for Canada’s mutual fund industry" - G&M

    Shift in the market: [...] (in case) At this point, the only mutual funds probably worth looking at are TD's eSeries (CCP Option 2)...
  15. 2

    3 0% liability accidents 6 month span

    Hello everyone! So i had a personal question regarding insurance premiums. Currently i am with beneva insurance and have been insured since june 2022 with a new car (elantra 2022) Since June 2023 , i have been rear ended 3 times causing over 20k in repairs and had 0% liabilty in each case. I...
  16. L

    The Ten Commandments of R/PFC

    Having spent too much time on this forum (both in years and in hours) there are a few often repeated, seemingly immutable answers to common questions that come up here in this group. Whether they are accurate or groupthink sometimes you can decide. It might be helpful to give a quick rundown...
  17. M

    Looking for an outsider opinion

    My fiance and I (both 29 yo) are in a bit of a tough situation right now. We are absolutely the definition of Analysis Paralysis right now. So any and all outsider opinions will be must appreciated (good or bad). We have been looking for a house for over a year now in Calgary. I currently own...
  18. J

    Employer won’t issue me a T4, not sure how to proceed

    So I actually quit working for this guy a couple months ago (small electrical company). I talked to my old coworker and he hasn’t received his either but seems unbothered by it. I’ve called, texted multiple times about it and at first he would just say he’s “working on it” but now he doesn’t...
  19. H

    Using algebra to decide between TFSAs vs. RRSPs for retirement planning

    Given it's already March 1, this probably comes too late to help people calculate their optimal TFSA/RRSP usage for the 2022 tax year. However, understanding these equations will be helpful toward planning your future registered account contributions. First, assumptions and definitions: You...
  20. A

    AMA with Statistics Canada on November 19. Stay tuned! / DMNQ avec Statistique Canada le 19 novembre. Restez à l’affût!

    Hey Reddit! On Thursday, November 19, 2020, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (ET), Statistics Canada will be hosting an AMA event on r/PersonalFinanceCanada to discuss the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI is one of the most widely used measures of inflation, and it tracks the average change in...