
  1. M

    Need help figuring out what to put under line 13 in form T777S

    I used the calculator by the CRA to help me figure out what to put in form T777S. Here's a screenshot of what the calculator says. The calculator is asking me to add my entire employment income to line 13 in form T777S. Line 13 is "Amount carried forward from previous year". That can't be...
  2. S

    M’y boss didn’t send me a T4 yet

    I asked him to send it, he said he sent it mid January but I still don’t have it, and when I asked him to email it he didn’t respond. Is there a number I can call to file a complaint? Or any substitute of T4 I can get on my own? It was a small job I got for a few months only
  3. C

    Is it better to switch to accelerated mortgage payments or invest the extra cash?

    Running some numbers on accelerated mortgage payments and it seems to be a better option than non-accelerated but not better than investing in the market. Hoping someone can tell me what am I missing...Here's the math: Year 2 etc are similar but with higher dollar value for P and I but still...
  4. P

    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    Asking because after reading a few posts made year(s) ago, I'm wondering if the MER & Commision changed this year. TFSA Contriubtion Room : 23,500 Portfolio: 10% index bonds, 90% index funds (split evenly between U.S, CA, International Market) I plan to rebalance my portfolio once a year. I...
  5. D

    Buy a condo w/o mortgage or a better one with?

    I own a condo in Vancouver (where I’m currently living) but I plan to move to Toronto in the near future. The condo is paid off. I’ve got about 10k in savings. No debt. Own a paid off 2021 suv. 33M, single, no kids. My place in Vancouver will likely sell for around 830k. I’m looking to live...
  6. M

    Is there a service to automatically negotiate my subscriptions (e.g. Bell, Rogers)?

    I'm tired of having to call Rogers or Bell each year to negotiate my bills and get a lower rate plan. Are there services that can do this on my behalf for a commission?
  7. V

    CRA T1 &4 Forms

    Hi, hope I’m in the correct sub for this. Recently I asked a employer if I would get my T1 and T4 forms for my work I’ve done. They responded that they would both be on my CRA account. My question is does a employer have to send me directly my T4 and T1 forms or can they just put it on my CRA...
  8. L

    Am I supposed to be paid for Family Day in Ontario, if I am P/T and usually off Mondays?

    I noticed my employer hasn't paid me Stat holidays on Mon since 2016. Since I usually work 8 hours per day P/T on Fri/Sat/Sun. Am I entitled to holiday pay aka 8 hours?
  9. J

    Variable (p-1.3) with cash back or fixed (2.84) no cash back

    Looking for opinions on the following 2 options (approved for both a few months back), close on the new house at the end of may principal balance will be 1.728M in GTA, 5 year term 1) Variable, P - 1.3% - currently 2.05%, $13,000 in cash back (broker + bank offer) 2) Fixed, 2.84%, no cash...
  10. T

    Canadian Securities Course - Exam 1 v. Exam 2

    So I recently finished the first exam for CSC after studying for three months and scored a 63%. For those who have completed their CSC, is this a bad score? What is the second exam like relative to the first in terms of difficulty? For context I have a degree in economics as well as some...
  11. B

    What the safest/smartest thing to do with $3,000 USD we got for our wedding?

    My husband thinks we should put it in an index fund like Vanguard. However, neither of us have much experience with investing, so we would like advice.
  12. M

    TFSA: HISA 5.95% or XUU.TO (S&P 500)?

    I took advantage of a Tangerine TFSA with a promotional interest rate of 5.95%. With the US market setting a new record this week and history data that years were new market records are typicially double digit growth. Should I ride out the promotion or transfer to my Questrade account and just...
  13. H

    Cross Border Tax Question (Dual Citizen residing in Ontario) - US Remote Contract Work Opportunity

    Dual citizen (US & Canadian) residing in Toronto with an Ontario Corporation (Engineering Consulting) since 2013. I have a new US client in Seattle which I want to enter a 8-month contract with (doing remote work from Ontario). For the US tax purposes for the corporation: 1) Do I need to...
  14. R

    The 2024 TFSA dollar limit is, or is not, possibly maybe confirmed, but not really, at $7,000, by me and not the CRA

    Note: on the mobile app, you may need to swipe to the right on the table to see all 7 columns. The average monthly CPI for all items for October 2022 to September 2023 was 155.875 (source), representing an increase of 4.7% over the previous 12-month period. As a result, the indexed TFSA dollar...
  15. H

    Deferring High School - A Strategy to Build Wealth

    TLDR: Deferring High School, working from Age 15 and investing all monies earned and going back to school at Age 20 should be highly considered. I liken myself to a contrarian and like to think outside the box. Our society has ingrained upon us that there are steps to life, getting your high...
  16. W

    Vehicle Accident Scenario: What if..

    I'm asking because this almost happened to me recently: Ontario I'm approaching a green traffic light, in the straight through lane. Three car lengths in front, an SUV was approaching a left turn, in the designated left turn lane. No problem. As the gap closes between our two vehicles, he...
  17. D

    Should I switch to fixed?

    My current mortgage rate of interest is Prime minus 1.4. BoC rate as of today is 4.75. My bank’s prime is 7.1 so my variable rate of interest is 5.7 as of today. Renewal is in the 1st quarter of 2027. My bank is giving me 5.3 fixed for a 3yr term. Should I switch to fixed? If I switch I will be...
  18. M

    Week 2 of trading for Planet Based Foods ($PBF.c) shows them holding steady

    Week 2 of trading for Planet Based Foods ($PBF.c)! The first week was a bit volatile as most IPO's are but overall they're looking promising IMO. $PBF is a plant-based superfood company that produces all-natural, non-GMO, soy-free and gluten-free meat alternatives. PBF is focused on producing...
  19. T

    I’m 21 and don’t understand taxes or what to do with them?

    my income is virtually $0.00 and if I did earn any cheques there was never any taxes or anything like that on it, I’m assuming that’s because it’s on a reserve? Only had one employee before that allowed me to collect benefits with my sin but they had passed away without giving me any record of...
  20. B

    Musings of a Petroleum Geologist on Canadian Energy Stocks

    Canadian energy has had a crazy ride this year. Oil prices have hit multi year highs and keep ripping. Some Canadian E&P have increased over 400% since March last year. For those interested in energy but risk adverse, XEG is a great way to dip your toe into the industry. It is weighed over the...