
  1. P

    Tax on Dividends VS Cap Gains

    So help me understand. Person A has 5 million in stock and at age 60 decides to stop the drip and live on 200 k in div income. Person B same amount invested decides to also live on 200 k and sells this amount of stock. My friend says person A will be taxed more harshly? Any insight on this...
  2. R

    2023 TFSA dollar limit confirmed at $6,500

    Edit for clarity: confirmed by me, not the government. Note: on the mobile app, you may need to swipe to the right on the table to see all 7 columns. The average CPI for all items for October 2021 to September 2022 was 148.842 (source), representing an increase of 6.3% over the previous...
  3. M

    Is 4k for insurance for 2 cars (2019/2014) and 2 drivers reasonable? I’m in the GTA

    As the title says. My renewal is coming up and I’m thinking of shopping around.
  4. Z

    Would I have to pay HST when selling online on sites like eBay and StockX?

    StockX the shoes get shipped to them in the us and then they reship them wherever, I believe they do charge sales tax and duties and checkout regardless tho. eBay I’m assuming if the person is in Canada you would have to just take 13% of your total sale and save that away for when you have to...
  5. S

    Home Insurance increased 56% over 3 years

    Our home insurance renewal just arrived. It is 14% higher than last year, and a whopping 56% higher than we paid in 2020, despite not having had any claims. After calling the broker I heard the predictable story about “costs of materials, labour, rate of inflation, etc.” I am not an economist...
  6. R

    Tax payable in Canada on U.K. rental income?

    My wife and I recently moved to Canada and have been renting out our U.K. home whilst we decide where to buy in Canada. I have been paying full U.K. income tax on the rental income as a non resident of the U.K.. Does anyone know if I have to declare anything or pay any tax on this rental income...
  7. H

    Bc landlord trying to increase rent by 15 percent! Help!

    I live with my elderly father in Prince George bc as I take care of him and my 2 dogs. It is very hard to find pet friendly places up here. As there are 33 places available on kijiji right now that are pet friendly in a town of 85k people. We have told him for months that we wanted to stay here...
  8. B

    Mortgage renewal is coming. I work with a broker. Why am I being harangued by the bank the broker sealed the deal with for our first term?

    ONTARIO This is only my second term so I’ve never encountered this & I don’t understand it. Got a mortgage with bank X in 2019. It’s a smaller bank. Used a broker, B. Happy enough with the broker B & bank X. (Regret not switching from variable to fixed in mid 2022, but who doesn’t.) We’re...
  9. N

    Progressive income tax

    How does progressive income tax actually work (in as simple terms as possible) The way I understood it is that you only get taxed the prescribed amount on the income that is in that tax bracket The way a lot of people understand it is that as soon as you hit the next tax bracket, you’re taxed...
  10. C

    Liquidate TFSA to pay off Mortgage or renew at 5.7% 5 yr Fixed?

    32 M Net $4000 a month after expenses currently. Federal DB Pension. (50% in my mid 40s) No debt besides the mortgage. Wife is not working and soon to be stay at home mom with baby on the way. Mortgage up for renewal 2 Feb 2024 with 200k principal left. TFSA: 160k (5.2% yield, all...
  11. C

    6 Things You Should Know About PROGRESSIVE CAR INSURANCE QUOTE

    In this article: What is Progressive Car Insurance Quote Things you need to get a car Insurance Quote How to get a Car Insurance Quote How much should car insurance be? 7 largest U.S Auto Insurers The average Sample rate of U.S auto insurers FAQ What is Car Insurance Quote? A progressive Car...
  12. A

    What’s the current status of the Canadian economy? / Quelle est la situation actuelle de l’économie canadienne?

    In the second quarter of 2022, real gross domestic product (GDP) in Canada rose by 0.8%, the fourth consecutive quarterly increase. Growth was moderated by declines in housing investment (-7.8%) and household spending on durable goods (-3.1%) and by a rise in imports (+6.9%) that exceeded...
  13. M

    Hey folks, I need some advice in terms of savings accounts

    I spoke with a Scotiabank financial advisor today to learn about different options for getting interest because I have a small amount of money sitting in my account getting no interest, and how to save on monthly fees for my current accounts (checking, savings, etc.). They said there are no...
  14. P

    “Goldman Sachs Warns S&P 500 Might Not Bottom Until 2,000”
  15. K

    Seeking financial advice: Deciding on utilizing $20k

    27M Canadian seeking some financial advice on allocating my $20k. Here are my options: Mortgage Payment: Consider a lump sum towards the mortgage with a 37-year term, 5-year variable 6% interest (prime -1.2), currently facing negative amortization from the original 30-year term. Car Loan...
  16. J

    CPI February 2024 - up 2.8% StatsCan wil be making a post too with more detail. Edit: Statscan has made their post. This thread will be locked. Please refer to their thread.
  17. Y

    Slim Investment Options Through Work - Advice?

    Hey, I have a 5% matched GMPP through Canada Life with my work. They put me in a balanced portfolio as the default & I want to make it more aggressive. I'm 25 and looking to retire by 55-58. In currently in: 54.42% in Balanced Pension Trust (PH&N) - 0.723% MER, 7.48% 10-year rate of...
  18. E

    Canadian Finances Survey

    Hi everyone! I’m a psychology student at Columbia University currently conducting a study to better understand Canadian financial preferences! Currently, I am looking for Canadian residents who are 30 years or older. The survey only takes 4-6 minutes and you would be participating in really...
  19. P

    “How a B.C. woman got stuck with a $4,000 bill after renting a pickup truck”

    “At the time, Veenstra turned down the extra insurance offered by the rental company because she was confident she had adequate coverage through her credit card.” “When she returned the vehicle and filed a claim, she was shocked to discover her credit card insurance would not cover pickup...
  20. K

    Is there a rule of thumb for if you make $X/year you can afford a house worth $Y?

    Just to have a general idea