
  1. H

    Letter from CRA saying I owe $15,000. What do I do?

    My father passed away in 2019. He had no will when he passed and had one property that was only in his name. After his passing, I became the estate trustee and my mom and I obtained the property. We recently received a letter a few weeks ago from Canada Revenue Agency stating that the...
  2. R

    How do I stop O.D.P. fees from my TD account?

    I feel like it's such an unnecessary fee. I also don't remember signing up for it. Why is this not part of the already expensive monthly account fee? How is this $5 ODP fee half as expensive as life insurance. If you don't have the money in your account, then the bank should not allow any...
  3. T

    $MEND founder and early investors agree to hold on to their shares until late 2022

    Big announcement for Nurosene Health Inc. ( MEND.C $MNNDF ) $MEND announced today that its founder and early investors have entered into agreements to extend certain release dates under the lock-up agreements they entered into in connection with $MEND's IPO. 19 agreements were executed to...
  4. G

    Just got into an accident and I’m at fault

    I just got into an accident. I have one way insurance. Damage isn’t that much but how much approximately would my insurance increase from this? I’m paying 270$ insurance now
  5. C

    Am I crazy to keep putting all my money into index funds the next few years even if I have enough for a downpayment?

    27, no debt, car, mortgage. My net worth is around 165k 137k in Nasdaq and S&P 500 ETFs. TFSA and FHSA contributions maxed out 12k in bonds The rest in cash, haven’t checked my RRSP amount but company matches upto 4% I expect to save 90-100k after expenses this year, which should give me...
  6. R

    Stolen Vehicle Claim

    Hi All! My partner had his vehicle stolen a few weeks ago by some local kids so we’ve been dealing with Aviva. The vehicle was located and determined to be a write off from the damages they caused. Of course Aviva offered a low settlement amount we’re not happy with. They provided a list of...
  7. A

    PSA regarding the Wealthsimple 0.5% transfer promotion

    So, Wealthsimple had sent me an email regarding the 0.5% account transfer promotion. I've been a Questrade client for 9 years and have a decently large amount spread across all 3 of the major self-directed account types (RRSP, TFSA, taxable). r/JustBuyVGRO subscriber here. Anyway, the promo...
  8. C

    Can not decide on Mortgage! (5yr Vr P-0.8=6.40%) OR (3yr Fix 6.05%)

    Hi Guys, which one do you think makes most sense, I really can not decide, on one side, I do not see them raising Prime much higher than what it is today! (7.2) on another I also don't see them lowering it anytime soon! but the difference is so close (5yr Vr P-0.8=6.40%) OR (3yr Fix 6.05%) can...
  9. O

    What to do with 100k

    Hello! I’m on here looking for advice or any experience with this situation. Me and my wife have come into a unfortunate situation, which resulted in us getting 100k. We’re middle class, both 25, and do have a house we just bought last year. I’m wondering what some of you would recommend to do...
  10. O

    No proper separation between kitchen and bathroom, against building code (not fire code). If fire, coverage denied?

    I bought a small house with 2 apartments. I will live in one and rent the other. This will sound weird but actually looks good: one apartment has no separation between kitchen and bathroom. You can't see the toilet from the kitchen. Both rooms feel larger than if there was complete separation...
  11. J

    Girlfriends Parents Giving Us House Loan, I Have Some Q’s

    Context: My girlfriends parents are giving us $500,000 as a loan, which we would be paying back to them over time. They are just taking on the role of the bank. This would allow us to purchase a house almost outright. However, I need to build in some personal assurance into this scenario...
  12. B

    Widow, question about cheque in estate name

    Hello I am a 27 y/o widow (8 months) he did not have a will but I have filled out and in receipt of documentation proving i am executor. He died on his motor bike, the insurance company was a HUGE pain, dont wish it upon anyone... worst part of this whole thing honestly. Question...
  13. A

    HXS low trading volume

    I’m rebalancing my portfolio, divesting low performing and some of my high volatility securities and ETFs and increasing my position in S&P 500 index funds. I’ve seen good performance with my Horizons (now Global X) ETFs. My HXS has performed better than their Vanguard, iShares and BMO...
  14. D

    F.I.R.E. and some small amounts of a pension from a previous job

    Hello all. I'm a federal public servant and am planning on retiring at around age 50 without a full pension. This is more than 15 years away. I have about 4 years of service. I have two amounts available from a previous job, an $11k RPP amount that is locked-in and a $6k amount of past...
  15. P

    Tax on Dividends VS Cap Gains

    So help me understand. Person A has 5 million in stock and at age 60 decides to stop the drip and live on 200 k in div income. Person B same amount invested decides to also live on 200 k and sells this amount of stock. My friend says person A will be taxed more harshly? Any insight on this...
  16. R

    2023 TFSA dollar limit confirmed at $6,500

    Edit for clarity: confirmed by me, not the government. Note: on the mobile app, you may need to swipe to the right on the table to see all 7 columns. The average CPI for all items for October 2021 to September 2022 was 148.842 (source), representing an increase of 6.3% over the previous...
  17. M

    Is 4k for insurance for 2 cars (2019/2014) and 2 drivers reasonable? I’m in the GTA

    As the title says. My renewal is coming up and I’m thinking of shopping around.
  18. Z

    Would I have to pay HST when selling online on sites like eBay and StockX?

    StockX the shoes get shipped to them in the us and then they reship them wherever, I believe they do charge sales tax and duties and checkout regardless tho. eBay I’m assuming if the person is in Canada you would have to just take 13% of your total sale and save that away for when you have to...
  19. S

    Home Insurance increased 56% over 3 years

    Our home insurance renewal just arrived. It is 14% higher than last year, and a whopping 56% higher than we paid in 2020, despite not having had any claims. After calling the broker I heard the predictable story about “costs of materials, labour, rate of inflation, etc.” I am not an economist...
  20. R

    Tax payable in Canada on U.K. rental income?

    My wife and I recently moved to Canada and have been renting out our U.K. home whilst we decide where to buy in Canada. I have been paying full U.K. income tax on the rental income as a non resident of the U.K.. Does anyone know if I have to declare anything or pay any tax on this rental income...