
  1. A

    Poverty rate declines in all age groups in Canada / Le taux de pauvreté diminue pour tous les groupes d’âge au Canada

    Disaggregated trends in poverty from the last Census of Population show that poverty in Canada has declined in all age groups, especially among children and youth. Despite these trends, many families have remained vulnerable to situations of poverty. Here are a few highlights from the data...
  2. K

    What are your thought on these 10 steps to financial freedom?

    Build a Budget Fund 6 Month Emergency Fund Pay off Debt Max TFSA Contributions Max FHSA Max RRSP Buy a Home Max RESP (optional) Invest in Margin Account Buy Rental Properties
  3. D

    It's been roughly 5 months waiting for Cra to review supporting docs from last year report

    I had to provide some extra docs to avoid double taxation, though it's taking forever to hear anything back, they are just charging me interest. Called CRA several times, they keep asking me to wait. Is there any place I can call to report my concern? Should I write objection letter to CRA...
  4. U

    Crush My Budget

    Alright, r/pfc crush my budget. I'm a serial spender but some improvement has been made. I've picked apart Mint to try and get a fairly accurate view of what is happening. We are a family of 6 but groceries is super high, $1700 was the high water mark but it tends to cycle around $1000-$1400 and...
  5. N

    Canadian Couch Potato Method With Manulife

    Hello fellow reddiors, I have an RRSP/DPSP plan to get some extra free money from my employer. I'd like to invest using the CCP method and want to get some advice. Here is the list of options I have currently: Fund name Fund code MER ML MIM Cdn Equity Index 7132 1.48% ML JF...
  6. T

    Bank ‘took’ money from me for five years. 😳

    This is long, for that, I do apologize. And, I am unsure as to whether or not this is the correct place for this. You may be as well, as I try to elucidate the situation. To attempt to sum up; I am considered ‘totally disabled’ due to mobility issues, and have been for nearly 8 years. Based...
  7. M

    Would like to buy an $8k-$10k second-hand SUV in the near future, but unsure of the best route

    I would like to potentially buy an $8k-$10k second-hand SUV to do some adventuring in the near future, but unsure whether I should; A: Pull the cash from TFSA/RRSP. B: Look at bank loan/financing options. C: Reduce my TFSA contributions for a few months and build up the funds to buy in my...
  8. B

    Dividends Are Irrelevant (Sort Of...)

    This is a very interesting video from The Plain Bagel addressing a recent video Ben Felix released. There's a lot of issues addressed in this video that you don't normally see in other videos.
  9. D

    WealthSimple: Am I doing something wrong, or is this roboadviser not that good?

    Over the course of the last 4 years I've put 20k into a wealthsimple TFSA. It was up by $100 - $200 at first, but over the past three years its habitually been between -5% to -10% performance. When the market was down it made sense, but I see YoY the S&P is up ~5%, yet my WS is still down 7%. Is...
  10. S

    Help with deciding on Job Offer/Counteroffer

    I need to make a career/job decision and being early(ish) in my career would like some feedback and advise. I live in Ontario. Context: I have 5yrs of experience. Been working at my current company for 3yrs. A competitor recently gave me an offer paying 30% more than what I currently make, to...
  11. K

    23 y/o F in Vancouver, I feel hopeless and lost

    Grew up under immigrant parents who knew nothing about money or finances. The one parent who I do live with is around 200k in debt but I am not close enough to them or willing to help out. I graduated from UofT last year (studied both the arts and the sciences) and moved back to my hometown...
  12. T

    Lottokings to IPO on CSE ( quick 2 min read DD)

    About $85.6 BILLION is spent on lotteries every year. With the pandemic, the online section of the gambling sector has been doing especially well. If you are looking to invest in an online gambling company I would recommend looking out for LottoKing's IPO on the CSE under the ticker LKNG.C...
  13. T

    Taking winter tires off early

    Seems quite a bit warmer this year and I’m travelling the from March 31st. If I take my winters off on the 28th of March and it’s above 10’ and no snow, would insurance reject a claim if something were to happen?
  14. T

    Commercial General Insurance

    My agency is a non-profit society whose job is to act as a "watchdog" for a specific project, 1.5 PY. Office work, no regulatory role, no field work, just "desktop" reviews of tech documents. We had our own office and Commercial General insurance but we just moved to a new location. Now, our...
  15. K

    Changing careers and moving cities to afford a home - is my budget feasible?

    I'm currently living in the GTA, and I work in private industry. I am expecting a job offer with the federal government in Edmonton. I am inclined to take this job because it will allow me to move to an area where I can buy a bigger home - I don't like paying so much for rent for the small condo...
  16. M

    Psychedelic investment issuer Origin Therapeutics ($ORIG.c) to IPO on the CSE soon

    Eagerly awaiting the IPO of Origin Therapeutics ($ORIG $ORIG.c) on the CSE, an investment issuer focused on making equity investments in psychedelic-related companies. The psychedelic space is a $100B market opportunity and $ORIG provides investors with diverse exposure into the sector by...
  17. J

    10 Benefits of Buy Now Pay Later for Customers - PayBetter

    The surge in popularity of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) among consumers worldwide has left many perplexed. With the ability to pay for purchases in installments, without any upfront payments, interest-free, or with lower interest rates, BNPL has disrupted traditional payment methods. In this...
  18. E

    Want to open a coffee shop

    Hey guys, want to open a cafe called The CCC. Stands for Chris’s Cock Cafē Want to know the legality of this, am I permitted to name a store cock? No i will not be dipping my c**k into the coffees. Thanks in advanced
  19. R

    I’m trying to E-transfer myself money to EQ bank from Scotiabank

    EQ is not on the quick list of banks so I have to add it manually but it also wants a Credit Union. What Credit Union do I choose for EQ? I have very little knowledge on what a Credit Union really is so I apologize if this is a dumb question.
  20. R

    TFSA Dollar Limit - Calculation

    Edit: on the mobile app, make sure to swipe right on the table to see all 7 columns Given the recent post and confusion on how the TFSA dollar limit is calculated, I thought I would share the calculation in the table below, because CRA doesn't. Note that the CPI Average (third column) is based...