[california] question

  1. M

    [California] My unemployment balance finally hit $0. Does anyone know what will happen now? Fed-ed extension, BYE 3/15

    I reapplied after 3/15 and got the usual denial claim. Called in because my payments up to 4/10 were pending and they released the payments. Ever since then, no issues were with my account. But now, finally my balance hit $0. Does anyone know what will happen with my account now? Anyone in a...
  2. M

    [California] Help! Worked a one-time gig a few weeks ago, but haven’t received my W2. I don’t know how to certify w/o it, but need to!

    Hey guys, I worked a one time gig for a traveling company a few weeks ago. I haven’t been paid yet and haven’t received my W-4 so I don’t know the exact specifics (company’s address, exact gross wage, etc). I’ve been holding off on certifying because I don’t want to input something incorrectly...
  3. H

    [California] How do I report my hourly if I make tips?

    Hello, I am in the process of doing UI after getting let go from my job at this nightclub. I was encouraged by my HR to file for one as her offboarding email gave me a booklet about the process. However, since I work at a nightclub, I get tips on top of my 15 dollar hourly. I live in California...
  4. K

    [California] SO if u r.single and receive.edd , u need pay some money for.last.year tax right?

    I saw people receive edd and still get refund after filling the.tax, that is because they r married and have kids right? Im single and i need pay 628 dollar for.tax is normal right?
  5. O

    [CALIFORNIA] Problems with Identity Verification

    I’ve been having massive issues with getting a hold of someone to help me out so if anyone has any advice please let me know. TIMELINE: 3/23: Filed for reduced hours for unemployment (got furloughed a week later) (throughout this time I call unemployment and can’t get through, I also...
  6. V

    [California] 2 part time jobs. Was abruptly laid off for 1 job.

    I (24F) got laid off my server job without notice. My boss did not send me my schedule for the week, but instead sent a text explaining that the restaurant’s experiencing difficulties (it’s not) and can no longer have me. Just so coincidentally, my boss who got 2 divorces is a creep, harasses...
  7. D

    [California] Can i get benefits b/c of reduced hours?

    Ever since COVID ive been getting maybe 10-20 hours per week, not explicitly because my employer cut my hours, but moreso because the workload was pretty dry. What would happen if my workload were to pick back up? For reference im salary at ~$40/hr, if that matters. Thanks in advance.
  8. I

    [California] Cant get through to EDD, anyone know what I should do?

    So I've been calling for hours and cant get through about whether I should file a new claim or not . I've used several different numbers including this one people have provided. 1(833)978-2511,#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 But I just cant get through. Anyone know what I...
  9. M

    [California] Got switched to P.U.A

    My balance ran out on the 8th of December & I recently got switched to P.U.A last week. I certified for 6 weeks but they are all still pending still. I read that you are only suppose to certify for the following weeks up to 12/26. Did I fuck myself for certifying for the weeks after the 26th? Im...
  10. A

    [CALIFORNIA] call or reopen claim

    Hello. Hope all is well, I’m currently on unemployment with no more issues as of now however, my bf is getting let go from work (he’s been on unemployment before but was not active for over 30 days on his portal/account, when he went to log back onto it he saw the reopen claim button. I haven’t...
  11. A

    [CALIFORNIA] Extension finally updated this morning!

    My claim ended on 12/19 but I held off from certifying until 1/11. I was recommended to hold off as long as I can so I would get the extension updated but that didn't end up working. My claim has been at 0 since I finally certified and it's said maximum benefits paid until today. I didn't have...
  12. D

    [California] how are people with 0 balances who’s claims haven’t expired yet supposed to refile?

    Someone please explain cause it doesn’t seem to make sense to me. I’m being told everyone has to refile but It’s literally impossible for me.
  13. R

    [CALIFORNIA] Certified 1.5 Weeks Ago, Still Haven’t Received Payment

    Is it unusual that I haven’t received my biweekly payment thus far? I certified for benefits on Sunday, April 19 and it is still stuck on pending for those two weeks that I provided certification, as of Wednesday, April 29. After applying for UI in mid-March, I received two payments consisting...
  14. B

    [CALIFORNIA] I dialed 5616 n pushed in 1,3,4 it worked

    I've been calling for weeks now n NO luck at all n the other day I waited passed 4 hours and nothing. I called the main number which end 5616 n then I pushed in 1 then 3 n then 4 I'm now waitinghopefullyI get to talk to Tier 2. Everyone don't give up I'm frustrated myself n I sure do feel like...
  15. A

    [California] Very specific Hybrid/UI question, need help. (W-2 UI approved)

    This topic has been covered, I know. But my question is a little more specific, hopefully someone can help. In 2019 I received W-2 pay for a job that I quit, and left on good terms early in the year. I also received 1099 pay as a gig-worker, from work I did AFTER leaving the W-2 job. When I...
  16. M

    [California] Got 1 day of contract work. Can I continue to certify for benefits in the weeks following?

    I recently qualified for unemployment after my workplace went out of business. I have been looking for work, and was able to take a 1 day job. I worked that day last week, but since it was just a one time thing I am continuing my job hunt and am still unemployed. While I know I will not qualify...