
  1. A

    Eir Annual Price Increases

    So just got my latest Eir bill for broadband and mobile and have noticed the increases which are based on the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) which was 4.6% plus an additional 3% so 7.6% in total. Signed up on a new customer deal 100mb for €35 and mobile for €10 which is a decent enough...
  2. T

    Advice re clearing my credit card

    Hi all 👋🏼 So I made a silly mistake last year and got myself a credit card. Made the even sillier mistake of racking up money I can’t afford on it, and I’m aware of how stupid that is. However, I’m in a bit of a fix and looking for some smart advice. I currently have a balance of €2,800 on...
  3. J

    Is E-Bucks worth it ?

    Hey guys, so today I’ve seen 2 posts here about E-bucks, and I’m wondering if it’s really worth it? I currently bank with Nedbank, which has greenbacks but it’s not so good. So in E-bucks really worth it? And is it hard to level up ? Thanks Edit thanks for all the replies , I’m going to...
  4. D

    9 months of costs when having a baby…

    I’m not having kids anytime soon but would genuinely like to hear from some folks about the costs surrounding having a child in Ireland. Aside from the items like a stroller, clothes, formula and all that good stuff, how much do people pay purely for doctors appointments and actually giving...
  5. F

    Comparing gas and electricity suppliers - Comparison?

    I know bonkers etc.. but is there any website that clearly shows the true cost of energy from each supplier in a clear breakdown so that we can calculate what the best deal actually is. I.E. for gas/electricity - standard charge = €1.00 a day and 1 kWh= 0.38€ or whatever in a clear table so...
  6. C

    Broke and can’t budget

    i’m 21, i earn 460 a week after tax and pay roughly 280 a week on rent, car loan, diesel, insurance and plus i have a young child too, i owe roughly 7,500 on my car loan and have €500 on savings i can’t touch until my loans paid off i need advice on this it’s currently hard to save money and...
  7. A

    Help and advice for a complete novice.

    Hi, all!! 27F humbly asking for help and recommendations on where and how to save some money. I’m a complete novice and I’m trying to be more savvy with my finances and budgets, etc. I’m looking for something like YouTube channels, articles, applications that can teach me the basics of saving...
  8. C

    1.5% 401k contribution if i contribute 6% is that even worth it?

    So i got a new job and was offered an ability to contribute to a 401k. Along with that its been explained that if i leave the company within 2 years all company contributions are taken back and not given to me. Should i just invest on my own in a roth IRA? Or just take the free 1.5% on 6%. I...
  9. U

    Contra opinion - Don't worry about the April 5th deadline for PPF!

    Hi! In my other post on how I use PPF for my retirement, I mentioned how its interest is calculated: In this case, it would be optimal to invest the maximum Rs 1.5L before April 5th of the financial year to get the maximum interest. But we don’t all have that much money lying around to invest...
  10. N

    Power and fibre providers

    Moving into a unit by myself and it will be my first time living solo, and thus the only time I’ve actually cared about what provider I use given my budget is going to be tight (but well worth the higher cost of living to have a place to myself). Interested to know what other companies are...
  11. R

    Where to go from here...

    *Update\* - I ended up Killing my personal Loan, Settled it with my 200K EF I had stashed up in Absa, And moved the left over 90K to my Flexi Reserve in the home lone bond, I am staying in\ So have about 119K Stashed as flexi , emergency fund in the Bond now, Follow up post will come with where...
  12. 4

    What is the end goal. What will you be happy with?

    A common question I always ask myself is what will it take to be content…….. and by this I am bringing my professional life and finances into the equation in which I’m saying, what do I need to earn to stop chasing money. The last year or two I finally started making really good money in my job...
  13. L

    Need Guidance with Finances Please

    Need guidance with my finances Hello all, amazing community btw! I would like you to look at our current financial position and give advise where necessary. Currently we are saving/spending as follows: 32 years old, me and my GF are not interested with having kids. My TFSA is maxed out annualy...
  14. U

    House Loan vs Long Term Saving

    Hi everyone, So I’m relatively young (22m) however been working since 15 and I’m in a pretty high position job, Medical practice manager. I do this and 3 other side jobs while studying (Final year BA, working towards PhD). Because my expenses are relatively low, R14 00 - R17 000 per month, I...
  15. D

    Please rate my monthly budget, please share yours and help me optimize better

    Hi, I was just hoping for a monthly budget discussion for a family living in Mumbai region. How much we all spend and how we can improve upon it. I will start with mine. I am living in Navi Mumbai and have a family of 5. Three daughters below 10 years of age and husband wife working. Here is...
  16. C

    Here's my budget spreadsheet for anyone interested

    Over the last long while i've been fleshing this out to keep track of our family budget. A few friends recently asked about it and, given the current climate in NZ, I thought someone here might find it a useful starting point. It's not fully polished and there are parts which some people might...
  17. Z

    Advice on buying my first car

    Hi, everyone. I want to buy my first car before the end of this year. I'm looking for a new economical car that can get me from point A to point B. Speaking from experiences in purchasing a car, I'd love to hear any advice that I can keep in mind. Some questions I have: 1) Pre-approved loan...
  18. J

    Electricity Plan Calculator

    Hey everyone, I made myself a small spreadsheet to compare electricity plans based on my personal consumption, not 'national averages' or something. So I thought there were other people who might find this useful. Just download or copy to your Google Drive, input your current rates (fetch...
  19. F

    Is it worth paying with FNB for groceries for e-bucks?

    My husband has an FNB account and I have Nedbank, he gets his salary and im pretty much a SAHM with a very minimal side job. So the way we split finances is he transfers me the full amount for groceries and baby budget and I pay for it all with Nedbank, I earn a little bit of greenbacks rewards...
  20. D

    €240 per week enough to survive?

    I'm currently renting/cohabitating. The electric bill is included in the rent and the rent is covered by HAP so housing/electric comes to roughly €280 per month. The rental we're in has occasional issues but financially I think it's been good for us. There's uncertainty about my future living...