auto insurance

  1. S

    I’m getting car insurance but I don’t remember the exact date I got my speeding ticket

    How the hell do I figure this out? I remember the date I had to pay it, but I can’t remember when exactly it was. What do I do?
  2. I

    Suggestions for 22 Y/O New Driver Struggling w/ Car Insurance

    hello hello hello, so let's cut to the chase. i am a 22 y/o female who is also a new driver. my auto insurance w/ geico ($260/mo, includes minimum comp+collision for my lender, minimum bodily injury/property dmg coverage) legitimately doubled when i switched vehicles from my 2013 chevy cruze...
  3. V

    Big car insurance price jump- what next?

    Hello! I (25 y/o) totaled my first car last April (oof). It was a used 2012 Honda Civic with 70000 miles. At the time, I paid about $150 for full coverage car insurance. Finally, after months of back and forth with the company to get my payout, I purchased a new 2023 Toyota Camry. I went to...
  4. J

    This was on my CE course…am I crazy?

    If the driver damaged his car swerving to avoid hitting a deer, which coverage would they need to cover the damage? A. Medical payments B. Uninsured motorists C. Collision D. Other than collision I got it wrong because I put C and they are saying the answer is D. Have I been telling...
  5. P

    C.L.U.E. says I was in two accidents when that’s impossible

    Hi everyone, so I recently moved back to the USA after living abroad for 5 years (7 total but 5 consecutively) and C.L.U.E. says I was in two collisions, one in 2022 and another in 2023. This isn’t possible as I wasn’t even living in the USA at the time and never drove while I was out of the...
  6. Z

    Should i wait get an estimate from mechanic before reports to the insurance?

    Hey y'all. so yesterday I hit my car front on a high curb the front bumper is def damaged much and will have to be replaced but also I saw green fluid spillage and steam for about 30 seconds right after the impact. I was barely going 2 km/h was literally just tryna park and misjudged the hight...
  7. J

    Adjuster is saying I’m 20 percent liable

    After getting into a fender bender due to a lady merging into my lane and not checking her blind spot, the adjuster is stating that I’m 20 percent liable due to her saying she put her blinker on and I said she didn’t. This wouldn’t even matter due to me being next to her and not even being able...
  8. S

    I hit a pole in a gas station and now I have 3.3k in damages (according to Progressive)

    I hit a small pole in a gas station and my top right side of my car and I will have to pay my entire $500 deductible. Background, I just got my license in June and this was in the first month of having my car (leased). I am worried about how much my insurance would go up it's currently at...
  9. T

    Are people under 30 supposed to just get fucked on car insurance ?

    I'm 27, and there are no accidents. My last ticket was 4 years ago. I've needed a car for a while now and I can not find any reasonable insurance. I've looked at mutiple brands and price ranges, looking for a 2019 or newer, they've all been 2,000 - 4,000k for 6 month term. I can not afford a car...
  10. K

    Personal Injury from D.U.I. Driver

    Hi all! I was involved in an accident about a month ago in Georgia. I was driving through an intersection and had the green light, a drunk driver just pulled into the middle of the intersection and stopped and I T-boned him. Witness also verified this with the police and he was arrested with a...
  11. L

    How are worst case auto accidents covered? e.g. If a drunk driver knocks a packed school bus off a cliff

    Because just from back of the envelope math, assuming the occupants all survive but are permanently disabled, it could easily take half a billion dollars to raise 50 8 year old kids and a few adults to 80 years old. It seems like this would guarantee bankruptcy for small insurance companies and...
  12. C

    N.C. pricing variability on auto insurance

    Is there not much flexibility in rates or is it just mee I have a 20yo saturn. No accident. Excellent credit. Basic coverage. And I'll be damned if it's near $500 a year. Is Geico nailing me? Or is it worth the price?
  13. E

    Liberty Mutual says I’m “At Fault”- is this B.S.?

    Earlier in the week I was driving in moderate traffic on a highway in NY, going about 50mph. I hit a HAMMER which clearly fell out of someone’s work truck, did not see it (how could I?), and it tore up my front driver side tire and surrounding panels/wheel well. Liberty Mutual is telling me I...
  14. B

    I hope I can get y’all’s help :)

    So I reversed into a car, my fault. I have insurance but he doesn’t. How does he claim against my insurance if he doesn’t have any? I don’t really know how this works.
  15. Y

    Texas Auto Insurance Q: 2 accidents, 1 household = decline for coverage?

    I was talking to an insurance agent and he mentioned something like if I have two accidents caused by me within a timeframe of 3 years, I may be declined for auto insurance coverage. Does this sound like a company-specific policy or is it a Texas-specific law? The agent wasn't sure if it was a...
  16. E

    Car Insurance: Can you group accidents / repairs together?

    Never had a claim before, so a bit clueless. Sorry for nooby question. I have a few car issues that I have never dealt with b/c they were mostly cosmetic. My assumption was that any one claim would raise my rates too much to be worth it unless it was a huge claim. But now that I have a few...
  17. S

    Lady performed a u-turn and hit me

    Hey y’all, I got into an accident while on my motorcycle a few weeks ago and I just obtained a police report which seems incorrect. A lady pulled out from the sidewalk side of the road over a double yellow trying to do a u-turn. She had no line of sight of me because of a bus blocking both our...
  18. M

    Auto insurance accident question

    So on 10/02, i was backing out of a parking spot, after making sure i had right of way, and a car coming from a far tried to speed up to beat me(?) before i could pull out all the way. Anyways he did manage to hit just the tip of the back of my car cause scuffs on my car and his. Was hesitant to...
  19. A

    I negotiated 1k+ on my gross ACV for my totaled car

    EDIT: I owe an apology for misunderstanding what a negotiation means in terms of insurance. I guess providing documentation and then asking for more value is simply substantiating your ask and not actually negotiating. I stand corrected. I thought I negotiated and got really annoyed when I...
  20. S

    TX Rental Car Reimbursement after Total Loss

    Our car was deemed total after an accident last month. We only had rental car coverage for 3 more days after the notification. (Progressive Insurance) We are in the process of buying a new car but meanwhile we need to rent car to get around for groceries/work etc. I came across this opinion of...