
  1. H

    Could this Home Loan idea work, would it save the current gen, and help the next gen. Thoughts, pros and cons.

    We all know what's going on.. no need to rehash. So here is an attempt at a solution. A government owned Not for Profit Bank.(let's call it GovBank). For Australian citizens who have lived in Australia for 10 years minimum. For homes purchase price under $1 million. Provide Zero interest loans...
  2. R

    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    Hi, I got a new job this year that has allowed me to save heaps of money for the first time. I have an outstanding credit card debt that is significantly less than the money I’ve saved - I’ve been paying it off partially every month alongside putting away savings into my saver account. Is it...
  3. B

    Do markets with lowest rental yields (e.g. Syd, Melb) have the most room to fall?

    Sorry if this is an obvious question, but on the stock market, I'm watching that companies with low or zero dividend yields are being sold off massively (e.g. down 50-70%), while those with high dividend yields have only had minor corrections (e.g. down 10-20%). I am wondering if the same...
  4. J

    We Have a Problem!

    Some of you think the RBA are terrible forecasters. A few of you, with friends working inside the RBA, have pointed out that there is significant disagreement between the economics team and the monetary policy team/decision-makers. Honestly, who tf knows. That said, what I can see is this...
  5. N

    CoreLogic daily home value index: Prediction status update

    Prediction status check: how are we going toward a 50% drop in the Core Logic Home Value Index (5 capital city aggregate) from its peak 2020 value by end of 2025? Peak 2020 value (Dec 31 2020): 137 All-time high (May 07 2022): 176.66 Current value (Jun 22 2022): 174.84 → Change from 2020 peak...
  6. M

    Suggestions for reducing elec bill please.

    $99 for month Aug 2022 - $186.96 Aug 23. Family of 3. One wfh. Solar installed Sept 2020. Not solar hot water. Pool. Old appliances - can't replace atm. Just bought air fryer to reduce oven use. Washing machine used 5 x week. No tumble drier. Appliances and pool run during day where possible...
  7. 2

    Offset Savings Calculator

    I recently created this offset account savings calculator in Excel, to analyse how I might repay my home loan sooner with different scenarios. It calculates the instalment schedule based on the loan amount, term in years and interest rate. It then allows you to run up to 3 different scenarios...
  8. R

    saving money while moving out tips?

    i made a post here long ago abt moving out out of abusive home but i still haven’t got the courage to do so and the rental crisis is crazy in australia. i still have the offer to move in w my mates family and contribute to the rent, but going thr some personal problems rn. i just wanted to ask...
  9. 4

    Would there be any interest in a PowerShell module for SelfWealth?

    Hi Everyone, I'm a fairly new investor and wanted a way I could track my portfolio locally but couldn't find a simple and free way of doing that automatically. I know some PowerShell and though I would just see what I could see and before I knew it I had a working module that I could...
  10. A

    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    Basically a recruiter reached out, hiring for a competitor at a more senior level (one level up from my current one). I have been asking for a title jump given the significant contributions i've made to the small team and firm, but to no avail (they just brushed it away). The competitor gave me...
  11. H

    How to invest for the future for my 5 y.o

    Hello brainstrust, Need your help on how to diversify my portfolio. I’m 48m with a 5 y.o. Small biz owner for last 12 years. Super 29k hiSa- 250k Term deposit 20k Mortgage on Apartment left $1 Read that I should invest in vgs/vgad (But don’t know how to start, is it CMC?) Read from here...
  12. I

    Being a landlord sucks

    Most people only talk about the glory of accumulating properties, the benefits of negative gearing, capital growth, leveraging the banks money etc no one really talks about the weekly emails from the property manager with noise complaints from the tenants neighbours, tenants selling illegal...
  13. N

    How to calculate if I can afford property of $xx?

    I've saved up money together with my partner for about 8 years now, I think we have enough cash in place to try and buy a house a proper house. The online how much we can afford calculators are usually pretty rubbish so I've been doing some research to see how much a bank's willing to lend me...
  14. K

    Pickles auctions charging me for something I didn’t bid on

    Hey everyone, Thought I’d ask for help here if anyone has gone through something like this before. I was watching pickles auctions yesterday and last night I received a bill for $15,000 for a van I didn’t bid on. I checked my account and it shows I haven’t bid on anything. Pickles T&C’s say...
  15. K

    18yo wondering what to do with savings?

    Hey, I've currently got around 60k dollars that I've just got sitting in a savings account yielding 5.1%, but I can't help but feel like I'm mismanaging this amount of money at this age. I've always been a great saver, and I make about 20k/y at my part time job + tutoring, and study in a...
  16. I

    Critique my Spreadsheet

    Hi Guys, I started with a simple spreadsheet to work out the after tax cost of owning an electric vehicle and just kept adding to it. Have a look and tell me what you would do to make it better. Are my Margin Investing section correct? SPREADSHEET
  17. S

    What should I be paying an accountant?

    Anyone have any idea on what’s reasonable and what’s ridiculous? Currently my structure is the following and shows revenue and also accountant fees (keep in mind this excludes bookkeeping and BAS lodgements as they are done internally, this is purely tax planning, advice and tax lodging)...
  18. F

    Buying U.S ETF's

    Apologies for what may be a dumb question. But is it worth investing in American ETF's such as VOO, SPY and IVV. Are the fees of the currency conversion going to out weigh some potential gains? What are benefits and cons to investing in those funds from and Australian taxpayer stand point...
  19. S

    Grad advice for career in financial planning

    I want to be a Financial Planner, will be graduating at the end of this year with an accredited degree. I have 2 job offers but am unable to pick which would be better for my career progression. Company A - Job Role: Financial Planning Graduate Small firm - 1 x Managing Director (CFP), 1 x...
  20. L

    37 - fully offset my apartment, now what?

    I purchased a 70's brick 2 bedroom apartment back in early 2018. Probably overpaid a bit (paid almost 700k) but it's in a great location in the inner south-east of Melbourne, with only six on the block and it's facing the street at the front. Managed to lock in 1.84% for the past two years...