
  1. N

    Would you sell if you were me?

    I'm fortunate enough to be in a position to be a homeowner to two properties. One as our PPOR and the other as an investment (single dwelling with a granny flat). My partner and I lived in our investment property for about a year before moving out and purchasing our current home. I was told...
  2. B

    E TORO Ads do my head in

    This is the only place I feel I might have likeminded balls of anger. As an avid youtube user, that gets targeted by the ads algorithm with finance ads, I absolutely hate E Toro. EVERY SINGLE VIDEO is preempted by some preppy American E Toro ad that is doing my bloody head in. Anyone else...
  3. B

    How many / what bank account “buckets” do you use?

    E.g I have 5. (1) daily spend (2) savings (3) holiday (4) bills (5) investments.
  4. S

    I made a tool to find the near exact salary range of jobs on since it's usually hidden

    source: see it in action - It's a bash script, so you need a Unix-like OS, or something like Cygwin for Windows. TODO, somehow port to Windows users. EDIT: I've re-written the whole...
  5. P

    Can H+R block’s tax return calculator be trusted?

    They seem to think that based off 60k income with 10.8k tax paid, I’d be getting 1.2k back. Seems a little generous. Is this a scummy tactic to get me to use their service?
  6. C

    What is the minimum salary needed such that it’s economical for a parent to keep working and use childcare rather than stay home

    Keen to get the forums views on what point does childcare vs stay at home parenting become cost neutral, In lamens terms, at what point are you no worse off or better off under the below scenarios A - Parent stays home 5 days a week and looks after child. No salary. No childcare fees B -...
  7. S

    Landlord won’t pay back bond

    I have rented an unit in melbourne for 6+ years. As I‘ve moved to another place and asked for my bond - I was told I won’t get back anything as the property has been poorly cleaned. I’ve also given a list of things which can be considered as fair wear and tear. Now as I’ve asked for the RTBA...
  8. G

    Nasdaq 100 v. S&P 500. What's your preference? and why?

    I am sure this question has been asked a hundred of times before. But, honestly, would still love to hear everyone thoughts on this now in February 2021!
  9. B

    UniSuper down for 3 days

    Posting this as a disappointed member. UniSuper has been down for three days without a peep. It’s obviously not planned maintenance, as it would have a defined outage window. If it was technical, then I think they would have reassured us. So then are we to assume it’s a data breach? Even if...
  10. K

    A tale of two auctions

    Today on my street I observed an auction. Three months ago I watched an auction for the house next door. They’re both townhouses on roughly 350m2. One a 3x2 and one a 4x2. I’d view the 4x2 as in a more desirable position on the street even if they were the same size. Three months ago for the...
  11. H

    Have a duplex, want to buy another few ip’s, bank won’t lend me any more $$, need some advice please

    Hi guys and gals , So…I have a duplex in QLD, it’s valued at 1.2 million and I owe 600k. Both sides rented at 600/week. I make 90 k a year and have 140k in super .it’s all in my name Live with my partner , pay her rent . (edit - she owns her house , i pay her 200 /week and half the bills )...
  12. G

    AMA - pay off you home in 7-10 yrs

    Following yesterdays post thought I’d follow up. I’m all in on property, but confident given current Aussie landscape. Bought PPOR 5 years ago, 860k, now valued 1.4M. Adelaide. 2 income household, 200 and 120k gross. Investment 1: 2 bed 2 bath apartment, paid $595, now valued $740k. Short term...
  13. C

    Tax time dividend question

    When I log into my investor centre and check my dividends for the financial year, I have a lot of numbers: Franked amount Unfranked amount Gross amount W'holding Tax Net amount Franking credit When I add dividends on my tax return on MyGov however, I only have: A) Total unfranked amount B)...
  14. Z

    My job often has a lot of down time... how would you use this time productively?

    My job requires me to be onsite (at various sites each day) for X amount of hours. It is very site-dependent, but sometimes I am only working as little as 10-20% of that time. E.g. a 4-hour stint, I might only have 30 minutes of "work" to do. Is there any way to earn a few bucks during...
  15. G

    How’d your super do?

    Interest earnings were $21713.05 Money in $15,100 Money out (fees and shit) $3400 is this a lot? 12.07% return. With Rest in highest growth/risk account. Is this also good? Super balance now $209k and I’m 38 years old. Feels like a very privileged position to be in.
  16. D

    Embarrassing Super Question!!

    Hey so I've been a bit of a millenial lurker. I've got the gist going for the early Super access during Covid is silly but I've been reading economic blogs and now I'm confused. Can you help me out? Please... A) Some say it's a bad idea and to hold onto those shares(?)stocks(?)(is their a...
  17. J

    CoreLogic Home Value Index: National home values up 0.6% in March, breaking a 10-month streak of falls - March 2023

    After remaining virtually flat in February (-0.1%), CoreLogic’s national Home Value Index (HVI) posted the first month-on-month rise since April 2022, up 0.6% in March. Dwelling values were higher across the four largest capital cities and most of the broad ‘rest-of-state’ regions, led by a...
  18. E

    Purchased the wrong investment property with instant regret before settlement

    Recently won an auction for a small 30y/o+ 135m^2 unit in Boxhill, Vic and feel like it was a poor decision. Unfortunately only did more detailed calculations after the euphoria of winning the auction and realised making money through property is a lot harder than it seems. Rental yield: 3.3%...
  19. C

    Energy Providers

    Greetings, Reddit Hivemind! In the market for new energy providers, and have been somewhat confounded. Am I right in understanding that, for example, Diamond Energy’s all day costs are 21.7 c/kWh and Momentum Energy's rates are similar to Diamond 20.6 c/kWh, while Alinta Energy’s costs are 6.7...
  20. N

    "Wiping Out Poverty Now" charity

    Hi, I recently donated some money to an organisation that had a little stand at a Woolies in QLD. I didn't think twice about it at the time. I thought hey, if they're here and they got permission to be here, they must be legit. Later I realised that was a dumb assumption to make. I...