
  1. H

    Bi-weekly advice thread April 13, 2020. All questions about your personal situation should be asked here

    We encourage all our visitors to ask those investing related questions they were always too afraid to ask. This thread will be moderated, to ensure it remains free of harassment and other undesirable behavior. The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! If you are...
  2. S

    For Someone who is absolutely at level Zero in terms of Money Management [New to Investing]

    Level zero means no idea about bank accounts, some idea about FD, something heard about SIP and that is it. Otherwise, the person is a well-earning professional, protected by parents (who are also likely to have not so great ideas about money management, otherwise they would have educated him...
  3. H

    Bi-Weekly Advice Thread March 31, 2024: All Your Personal Queries

    Ask your investing related queries here! The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! Alternatively, you could join our Discord and seek answers to your queries If you're looking for reviews on any of these following, follow the links: which bank or brokerage to use...
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    PSA: New Scam these days. Starts with TRAI sms or a call from TRAI. Be Aware.

    The modus operandi seems to be: Initially a sms will arrive from TRAI stating that all your numbers will be blocked within 2 hours. So call on this number (usually a west UP number) to stop it. Alternatively, a call will come with automated voice recording that all your numbers will be...
  5. H

    Bi-Weekly Advice Thread March 24, 2024: All Your Personal Queries

    Ask your investing related queries here! The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! Alternatively, you could join our Discord and seek answers to your queries If you're looking for reviews on any of these following, follow the links: which bank or brokerage to use...