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  1. C


    @garth428 Wow those interest rates are brutal. So your expected pay would be either 50k or 70 per client at 25-30 clients a week or like $91k a year if you do 25 clients for 52 weeks? Think a 1099 means you need your own health insurance but I dont know enough about your field to weigh in. 91k...
  2. C


    @garth428 You can "make 2023 contributions" up until april of this year so you could technically deposit all of this into a roth account. Honestly I would not recommend a house anytime soon, you got a lot of debt, just pay off the CC and save a few grand for emergency fund for now then the rest...
  3. C


    @garth428 10k? Thats not a ton but if you want to use it to buy a home you can put it in a roth ira and invest it in and index fund until you are ready to buy a home (typically this is good if youre waiting at least 5 years to touch the money as it can go down). you can use up to 10k of your...
  4. C

    I just inherited ~£200,000. Help!

    @fengchi No time is your hedge in the market and youre 22. Do what u want with your money tho
  5. C

    I just inherited ~£200,000. Help!

    @fengchi If u just put that all in retirement S&p 500 for 30 years congrats you never have to contribute to retirement youre done