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    E TORO Ads do my head in

    @resjudicata Have you seen Finance TikTok? Wallstreetbets-style approaches are getting pushed to younger and younger people.
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    E TORO Ads do my head in

    @theobvioushero It was my third preference after Politics & Baby Seal Clubbing, but I was just too ethical for those two.
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    E TORO Ads do my head in

    @imcoleford I work in Gambling Advertising. We're given way-stricter legal controls than anything Derivative punting firms have to deal with. I've honestly seen a few things I'm like 'I can't believe that's legal to say considering some of the stuff I've had knocked back' when it comes to E-Toro...
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @blakebaka That can go both ways, though. At a certain point you're niche enough that companies also have to put up with your foibles more than if you're a stock standard Accounting or Marketing drone.
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @jamalh I get the argument, but also depends how niche your industry of choice is. If there's 5 potential employers, not worth it. If there's 50,000, not as big a deal.