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  1. J


    @kakerot0 My partner's work is sadly not flexible at all, male dominated industry, early starts etc. It's frowned upon to take holidays during the year as they have a month off over over summer. I definitely have potential for higher earning capacity but wanted my partner to get his...
  2. J


    @kakerot0 yes honestly $80 would make a big difference but extra childcare, fuel and holiday programmes would basically make it zero ugh and definitely an added stress which in a household with a neurodiverse child I don't actively seek out. 2.3.4 Degree is in economics with a bit of...
  3. J


    Little bit of a vent post from a throwaway account. I'm not sure what I'm trying to achieve but really struggling with wanting a little bit more cash at the end of the week and just not being able to get there. I want to express I'm very grateful for the social welfare in place for lower income...