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  1. K

    Financial Loss

    @cookie1720 Its not something we can get over quick. But will grieve and eventually move on and learn from mistake. Most important is learn the lesson amd be extra cautious and wary of any potential scam. Money can be earned back. I believed she meant well to try better way to earn fast money...
  2. K

    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @eeevie Its probably the beat savings account bank u could get by far. 3% per annum calculated daily is a good deal. I use it mostly for backup cash and expenses only . So any extra interest is a bonus. Been using it 1 week after introduced , no issue so far
  3. K

    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @cpossanza Yes, my opinion actually refer to schd that mentioned by OP. Dividend stock could still be favorable if one is fine with 30% withholding tax. VWRA is a good alternative too btw
  4. K

    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @westmedsupply My personal opinion, long term in US stock and etf is considerably good for me. Been doing it over 10 years and i love my us stock. But one drawback was the dividend tax was very high. Since SCHD is a dividend stock, a 30% tax cut was high considering the dividend u get from local...