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  1. F

    Save for house down payment or max 401k

    @brownie44 You're not crazy. It's better to rent than own financially. This means perfect sense.
  2. F

    Retirement? Never heard of it

    @childofgodharrison It doesn't make sense for you to save $3k a month. Throw it all in a 401k. What are you saving the $3k a month for? A house? Is it for emergencies? Is it in high yield savings account? Don't let it just sit in a bank without a purpose.
  3. F

    Retirement? Never heard of it

    @childofgodharrison You don't need a financial advisor. Financial advisor is more for retirees when they get much older. If you need ideas for investing when you're young, it's very simple. Broad index fund. That's it. Don't overcomplicate things.
  4. F

    Retirement? Never heard of it

    @childofgodharrison There is a benefit. It's a huge benefit to contributing more than your 401k match. This is especially true when you make 192k annually. Max out your 401k to save on taxes.