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    Why would "Prêt Aidé à l’Investissement" (~= "Investment Assistance Loan") yield some money to the shareholders?

    I am reading in a "Historique Espèces" (~= history of cash operations) spreadsheet of a securities account in a French financial institution, namely Fortuneo. It says: The row "PAI 15 SOCIETE GENERALE means" that the account holder obtained some money (13.3 EUR) for the Prêt Aidé à...
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    Can a French plan épargne logement (PEL) be used to purchase a property located outside France?

    @dxsn0 It is linked to a guaranteed interest rate for a real estate loan.
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    Can a French plan épargne logement (PEL) be used to purchase a property located outside France?

    I wonder the following: can a French plan épargne logement (PEL) be used to purchase a property located outside France? does not indicate any condition on the location of the property, but mentions: so I am confused on...
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    Does any French bank receive SWIFT transfers without taking any commissions?

    I looked at Fortuneo and Société Générale: they both take a commissions when receiving a SWIFT transfer: Fortuneo takes 12 EUR: Société Générale takes 22 EUR: Does any French bank receive SWIFT transfers without taking any commissions?