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  1. J

    Buying Swiss ETFs

    @tobiahjude99 Exactly the reason I want to go with a small percentage of bonds. I like the stability it brings looking at it more as a portfolio that has lower returns but low volatility too
  2. J

    Buying Swiss ETFs

    @letthrmusixsaveyourlife Buying stocks would be costlier since each transaction costs a fixed fee over a percentage cost depending on the broker to go to. Plus the hassle of trying to rebalance it only after getting the distribution right(followed by self doubt of having done it correctly). ETFs...
  3. J

    Buying Swiss ETFs

    @melinda2022 This is indeed one of the options I had considered since I end up paying brokerage/custody fees one way or the other. Not forgetting the tax benefit that comes with it!
  4. J

    Buying Swiss ETFs

    Hoi zäme! I have been actively investing in US ETFs through IBKR which works out quite cheap. Since I was getting started a year ago I didn't pay so much attention to either consistent investing or designing a fixed portfolio. At the moment I have 80% US(VTI, VO, VUG and VTV) and 20%...