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  1. P

    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @michaelo Both cases have his initial $350k capital invested. In the buying scenario it forms his down payment, in the renting scenario it grows to $426k, forming nearly 1/2 of the 1 mil net worth after 10 years
  2. P

    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @michaelo Agreed, although I maintain OP’s made a critical error by including principal repayments as a cost
  3. P

    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @turboizak I think I’m missing something here? It looks like you’ve counted your principal repayments as a cost of owning the home. Every principle repayment adds to your net worth. Under the buying scenario, after the 10 years your net worth is about 1.5mil (house plus investments) Under the...