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    [META] Shoutout to the r/AusFinance Mods!

    @alessandra huh? the top few posts has like 60-140 comments and there are lots of discussion going on there. Just because you can't imagine people having different possible questions doesn't mean its actually the case
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    It's ridiculous that some people consider economics a "science"

    @montrel what is the philosophy of economical neoliberalism?
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    Being a landlord sucks

    @hjb I asked how like I didn't know how. Friends? Real estate? Ex-neighbours? Short-stay ad? Why would you assume someone else would think its impossible? Nice projection, keep fighting imaginary shit in your head. Quote me or take the L yourself.
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    Being a landlord sucks

    @hjb Please quote me where I said that.
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    Being a landlord sucks

    @hjb Does the title search include the owner's contact? I'm surprised that the neighbours would go all the way to pay for a title search and to find out the owner's contact details just to send them video footage.
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    Being a landlord sucks

    @inutah How did you find out all this just like you did with forgeries. Maybe now you can use this skill for the future.
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    Being a landlord sucks

    @inutah How did you find out these were forgeries?
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    Being a landlord sucks

    @inutah How do the neighbours even know your person contact and not your agent's? >1M properties and you approved these tenants?