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  1. E

    The General will cancel my policy if I don’t pay them $0.00

    @bda Glad you got it taken care of. Weird things happen sometimes.
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    Why is O&P so controversial for GC’s?

    @resjudicata Yeah these contractors get super salty and defensive if you ask for them. "Our pricing is proprietary!" Like my brother, you're trying to bill us using Xact pricing, don't piss on my leg and try to tell me it's raining.
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    Why is O&P so controversial for GC’s?

    @calledandchosen If you subcontract it out, show the subcontractor invoices with proof of payment ezpz Mr. Roofer
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    Winter Storm Elliot wreaks havoc on U.S. infrastructure

    @skipster I'm waiting for the policy endorsements to make the named storm deductibles apply to these named winter storms.