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    ETF vs BKR.B?

    @goingon4him Yeah the problem is thou it's not certain how Revenue will treat Investment Trusts at upcoming years. If they decide to tax them like ETFs then we are all doomed.
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    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    @scripturewinds Thanks for the information. My question is, aren’t you concerned about investing in GBP (or pence)? There is exchange fee and possible loss due of Sterling Pound’s value against Euro? Of course I assume your main currency is Euro.
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    Individual Stocks vs ETFs - Tax Implications

    @brightman The weight of the stocks do differ in ETFs, for example take a look at this ETF: So returns will be different to SP500 ETFs with your approach...
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    Individual Stocks vs ETFs - Tax Implications

    @brightman First thing you are missing out is the trade fee per stock per month (assuming you buy stocks every month as regular saver), which will be more costly and harder to track for cost basis. ETFs do track more than top 50 or top 100 stocks so the returns might be different. Using...
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    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    @war_eagle Sorry, I don't know you, so don't take it personal but this is the most stupid arguement ever. How come no EU country thought of this "trick"? Uh, doh! It's called exit tax. If you are leaving Ireland (aka. changing your tax residence) you have to pay "exit tax" for shares but not...
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    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    @spartygirl95 Investing in Ireland is terrible. Deposit rates are low (which is a common thing of EU) DIRT is high 33% is still high (was higher in previous years). You have 2 options: 1- Go with shares and use yearly exemption up to some specified amount (1k something) for the gains. Well...
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    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    @war_eagle What is the issue? Simple, it's stupid and outdated and expensive. 1-)I have to track my buys and be sure that I don't miss 8 year deemed disposal date. Okay there are some apps to track that. 2-)So you either has to sell it or pretend that you sell it every 8 year. a-) If I sell...