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    Evaluating the Best DCA Investment for Our Son: ETF vs. Investment Trust in Ireland

    @fredmach The deemed disposal calculation in the update is not correct, it's far too big. At the first disposal only the growth on the initial 6000 and first 6000 of monthly contributions should be taxed. The following year the growth on the next 6000 of monthly contributions should be taxed...
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    BOI launched EcoSaver Mortgage with lower rates

    @asurfpro Because people are incentivised to upgrade their energy rating.
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    Evaluating the Best DCA Investment for Our Son: ETF vs. Investment Trust in Ireland

    @fredmach You need to deduct 0.5% stamp duty from the initial and monthly IT investments
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    Evaluating the Best DCA Investment for Our Son: ETF vs. Investment Trust in Ireland

    @jakebakes Scottish Mortgage in particular doesn't even remotely follow its benchmark. It's way too volatile to recommend as an alternative to an ETF.
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    VUSA - Vanguard UCITS ETF S&P 500 in Euros, loss more than index

    @vespertinus So what's the reason for the discrepancy?
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    Pension questions

    @bryness44 Well Covid obviously, look at the dip in Mar-20. But that was only temporary.
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    Mortgage: 3.5% (5 year fixed) or 4.1% (10 year)?

    @adthrive Yes/no you should/shouldn't choose A/B
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    Pension questions

    @bryness44 That fund returned 14% in 2021
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    VUSA - Vanguard UCITS ETF S&P 500 in Euros, loss more than index

    @trixiefire This is very confusing, your explanation makes most sense but you have the most downvotes
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    Pension questions

    @bryness44 Pretty much impossible not to have made money the past 3 years. What fund are you in?
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    Pension questions

    @noose Why bother answering if you don't know the answer
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    My P2P returns from 2018 till now. Post made just to show some kind of numbers

    @jsis Can you put a quick summary at the top?