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    Thoughts on a 10M salary in Semicon in Nagoya

    @passiflora I'm in tech but not in hardware side, but I have friends in that field. Dealing with older systems might drive you nuts, but I guarantee you'll get a life experience you won't find in the NL. You could always go back if you get sick of it. There's a lot of investment in chip design...
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    Thoughts on a 10M salary in Semicon in Nagoya

    @passiflora Obviously I'm biased as I chose to be in Japan, and your calculus will need to be your own. That said, you're now at the top chip imaging company on Earth, and that's why you're getting a job in Japan despite not knowing Japanese. Depending on your skillset ( there's a lot of...
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    Salaries in IT

    @gaconvn This trick works for the next job, not the current one.
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    Salaries in IT

    @gaconvn I don't know why you're getting downvoted. It's perfectly reasonable to have a goal to earn an extra ¥4M in a year. Here's the trick: generate 10x the value with the work that you do. Software developers have an unfair advantage since the marginal cost to serve your next customer is...
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    Capital Gain/Loss Tax Carryover

    @scubadude Thanks for your reply. Your English is excellent. I sold some shares at a loss late last year and did do kakuteishinkoku. Since SBI withheld taxes for this year’s profit, does it mean I will get a refund on those taxes next year? If I sell something else at a loss this year, will I...
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    Capital Gain/Loss Tax Carryover

    Not investment advice. I have some tax questions that I’m hoping others here have had experience with. On May 8, I bought 12,000 shares of SONY Corp. for at about ¥12207/share. On May 15, I sold 9,000 of those shares at about ¥13312/share. This resulted in a realized gain of ¥9,880,582 after...
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    Advice on car ownership?

    @william3 I don’t own a car. I got over that emotional purchase several cars ago. Go rent a Skyline and head for the mountains today. That’s what I do when I get the “I can buy any car I want” feeling.
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    Thoughts on a 10M salary in Semicon in Nagoya

    @passiflora Are you at ASML now? The chip lithography in Japan is not going to match that tech but there’s a lot of geopolitical forces pushing chip manufacturing away from Taiwan into Japan. If you’re in the low-level lithography and imaging side, you’d do quite well here, I think. But if...
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    Updated list of available products for new IBKR Japan accounts

    @sadmamacat I'm coming up on 5 years in Japan. Is it a good idea to move securities out of my US broker to IBKR? Will that avoid tax penalties from moving them after the 5-year residency period?
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @mototothemax Any tips for high-earners (annual earnings > 1億円) using FN? Do any donation limits (beyond temporary income tax) kick in after a certain level? Any big-ticket FN items you found to be worthwhile?
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    Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

    @halleluyah Past a certain point, it becomes impossible to avoid having more than 10M in cash even with multiple banks. It's really not a terrible problem to have.