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  1. C

    Economic growth by interest-manipulation by central banks in islamic country? Real Islamic solution

    @sf16 Not an entirely new idea but coming to your conclusions based on limited information is good, and you should continue to do research. I’m not well-versed in this area but here are some sources if you want to read more. Here is a clear and relatively simple overview of how central bank...
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    Economic growth by interest-manipulation by central banks in islamic country? Real Islamic solution

    @sf16 Your logic is sound and it’s impressive you derived this from scratch. Your proposed solution is nearly identical to what western and Muslim governments already do. Contrary to popular belief, central banks don’t “set” interest rates, i.e. they do not tell private banks what interest...
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    ELI5 -- if a company's stock is considered non-compliant with shariah, is the income from working at that company also not compliant, i.e. not halal?

    @mrsstylz The issue really seems to stem from the nature of your contribution. As an employee, you are being compensated for your specific role and the work you do. If that work is halal, then you can consider your income coming from the halal business of the firm. But as a shareholder, you are...
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    House ownership

    @gilynn I gotta say if you just came up with this idea on your own that’s really quite clever of you! As to Guidance: Their profit comes essentially from the rent or profit rate which is paid by you. As you’re getting at, the rental “rate” isn’t actually based on market rents but a rate that...
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    House ownership

    @gilynn This model does exist. It is a form of “diminishing musharikah,” where one partner slowly buys out the other over a pre-arranged schedule. In paying rent you are basically a partner in the investment as well as a customer. Many banks and companies around the world use this model...
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    Guilt at Work

    @chelaine If your boss is happy with your performance then you should be fine. Every service-based job where you sit in front of a computer all day is like this. Studies show that people only actually do a couple of hours of work a day—even if they’re sitting at their desk for 8 hours. This is...