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  1. K

    31K in Debt - How can I climb out of this debt hole?

    @buzzard I think the big problem is that you have too many things. Not just the amount of debt. The number of different things is causing you stress also as you are having to juggle them all. Taking your list: Bank1 Loan - Outstanding balance: € 12.000 @ 10.9 % (monthly repayment 386) Bank2...
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    Can I use AirBnB to pay my mortgage?

    @emily2019 Thats a great post
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    1 in Dublin or 2 in the country?

    @feuerbach "at some stage we’ll have a financial crash that’s way overdue" I wouldn't be putting too much heed in this. Things might go into reverse for a bit, but theres no innate reason why things would crash - especially why Irish property would collapse. Irish property is quite reasonably...
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    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @jenniwrenn ah the classic - I've got a bright idea for someone else to pay for me to live in society. Let me guess your political party ...
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    mortgage interest rates

    @deaconmike ah, thanks! that was unlucky though.
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    mortgage interest rates

    @deaconmike Yikes - what was with that? Made a mistake with the mortgage a year ago where we took out too much money for a holiday and missed the mortgage payment. But then had it fixed when they re-asked a few days later. Hope thats not going to screw us over when the fixed rate expires.