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  1. C

    Is it worth paying with FNB for groceries for e-bucks?

    @quietbeauty As with all things banking and insurance, I’m sure anybody’s experience with this will very often come down to the person you end up dealing with. But for now, I’m very happy. And that was before the free money.
  2. C

    Is it worth paying with FNB for groceries for e-bucks?

    @quietbeauty On a previous policy, yes. When they launched their short term insurance, I insured my bicycle with them. Frame cracked, and they asked Dunked Cycles for a value estimate, and paid out. Very little fuss, iirc.
  3. C

    Is it worth paying with FNB for groceries for e-bucks?

    @quos Household insurance is still short term. “Long term” is stuff like life insurance. Building insurance might be long term, I’m not sure though. Drop me a PM, happy to chat.
  4. C

    Is it worth paying with FNB for groceries for e-bucks?

    @quietbeauty FNB Short term insurance was the cheapest for my thatch house. The contents and car insurance was also super competitive (if not the cheapest). Combined with my bond, and level 5, I get about R1200 plus another R750 through “smart spend” (not sure what that is, tbh) every month...