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  1. J

    How common is it for a company to give a maximum of 8 months bonus in Tokyo?

    @neuric well honestly said, those are both a lot more than the average person is getting. more than double the average. so either way financially you can enjoy a very comfortable lifestyle. it might not be the same as in other cuntry but a good one in Japan. Therefore I would say salary does...
  2. J

    What should I do with 3.5M yen?

    @nafis4268 it is relatively insignificant amount by the end of the day. But might as well collect the free money if such is offered. I think that is the carrot many brokerage in Japan offers to get people into investing.
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    What should I do with 3.5M yen?

    @nafis4268 put it into nisa on index funds, monthly contributions via cc and you get some points too. 300k a month so you max out this year limit almost with that. and yes nisa has now tsumitate and growth portion but you can setup monthly contribution on both of them and there we get 300k a month
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    Advice on car ownership?

    @william3 just buy the tesla it is drop in the bucket for your level of income. they are ranked high on safety so good pick
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    Amex ANA Gold Card Application

    @lovemy4girls as I recall they keep record for 6months on rejections etc. so you can apply every 6months with clean record. if you move your address, it can effect on ability for getting approved for cc. adding just in case it would be relevant for you. also lower tier cards are easier to...
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    Non-Residents, how did you move Y out of the country?

    @narrowisthepath probably already considered but how about something like revolut. you can transfer yen and then swap to usd. only thing is that you will have to submit mynumber to be able to send overseas. But if you can invest via credit card. then you can just buy stuff via their card.
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    I am in my 20s, and my father is asking me to pay 150,000 yen per month for rent.

    @mpax38 there was some document I saw while back where young people are losing their chance in life because they take care of their parents. It is good if you can take care of your parents and I would do the same, however if you start it too early in 20s then you will not have enough resources...
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    Salaries in IT

    @gaconvn most likely you need to change your job to foreign company in Japan and aim for higher position such as project manager or team leader etc. Usually they want 10 years experience for those I would say difficult.
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    Salaries in IT

    @gaconvn honeslty if it was that easy we all would have over 10m salaries...but good luck
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    Move now or later in career when JPY is better? Japanese-American considering FAANG opportunity

    @kimosabe2019 on further research seems that you are correct 15m does not qualify for 0.1% of the top, that would be around 32m based on goverment records. However 15m should place you well within the 1%. either way, triple the average income is more than enough for comfortable lifestyle.
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    Move now or later in career when JPY is better? Japanese-American considering FAANG opportunity

    @gingermarie here is what I would say. that is very high salary. I doubt you will find any better. keep in mind that living costs are different in US and Japan. 15m puts you well into 0.1% of highest earning people within Japan. Stop greeding for more. it is just a number beyond paying for...