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  1. L

    Financing a house - what does this method mean?

    @senter What it means is whatever remainder is outstanding at the end of the 10 years could be paid in a one time lump sum. If not you could refinance through tawarruq transaction. Now what is tawarruq it is basically buying on credit and sell at spot. But I dont think that it would be tawarruq...
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    Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the First Capitalist

    @questioner1 What is wrong with the term capitalist? If the imams who were supervising this lecture didn't interject? Please tell me what's wrong with capitalism. I'm asking have you read islamic economic policy? Example: how often in the Quran does it talk about the importance of private...
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    Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the First Capitalist

    @questioner1 Did you watch the video? Islamic economic policy is in line with capitalism. Also it has many of the fundementals of capitalism. The islamic economic framework later framed what would be known today as capitalistic policy. Also this man has given this same speech in front of Imams...
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    Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the First Capitalist

    This may be one of the most in-depth videos in terms of islamic fiscal and monetary policy. It also debunks the myth of socialism that we see some pushing for within the market.