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    Solar PV and Battery ROI - one year of data

    @ghaynes Thanks for this, really useful. We're in a 110m2 house built in 1920 which we've insulated to the max since we moved in, and in December we're replacing our oil boiler with a 9kw Daikin heat pump (installed by Octopus), 20 PV panels (so about 8kw of generation, and an 8.2kwh battery...
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @asuheel24 [moving this to a top-level comment so others can see and add to it]
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @newcreation17 Yeah, you'd have to run the numbers, but if OP pulls out of the pension, they'll lose the higher-rate tax benefit, plus the employer's contribution, and all of that compounded. I can't see any scenario where that's likely to be a good idea. Plus, OP clearly has spending and...
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @newcreation17 Given the free money, there's no time at which paying into the pension doesn't make sense. Nobody ever got to 50 and said "phew, I'm glad I missed out on that 30 years of compound interest on that free money". OP should leave the pension and focus on refinancing so the interest...
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @drstevejsock It's literally not. It's literally just like any other debt or investment, only with a larger interest rate. This is getting into one of those pointless discussions now, so I'll step out. It's a bit like when people try and argue that overpaying the mortgage makes financial...
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @drstevejsock You're just making daft statements now. But do the maths. £150pcm into the pension - but to earn that net, you'd have to earn £190 gross. Then add the employer's contribution - let's say 3%, so another £75-80, if you're earning £40k like OP is. So every month, your pension...
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @drstevejsock Nah, because the cash saved by avoiding the pension (c £150pcm) is far less than they'd get by continuing with the contribution (£150 + 20% tax + employer contribution, even regardless of compound growth), and isn't going to make significant inroads on the debt, relatively...
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @asuheel24 So many people say that, repeatedly, and then wonder why at the age of 50 they're suddenly scrambling to try and get themselves into a position where they're not going to live out their retirement in poverty. And what happens if you don't clear the debt in a couple of years? Will...
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @sigolene That's why I addressed that exact point later in my post.
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    Solar PV and Battery ROI - one year of data

    @wickedwoman Thanks, I've got HA installed. Looks like I can install SolCast and there's an Eddi HA plugin that does the same as yout GivTCP one, so I should be good. Thanks!
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    Solar PV and Battery ROI - one year of data

    @wickedwoman Very interested in this - do you have any docs etc that I can bookmark (and read) so I can look into installing it when I get my PV/battery installed?
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @asuheel24 Good context - useful extra info. I'd recommend: Use the £7 inheritance to pay off CC2 and CC6 (as they're the highest rate) and most of CC1 (as it's the second highest rate). Buy an annual pre-payment prescription card for £111 with some of the inheritance (see below). Then get a...