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  1. C

    US Social Secuty Benefits and Japan Income Tax

    @kristhuy Thank you. You are right that it's not all that high plus I do have deductions that would apply. When doing J-Tax Return, is there a specific USD-JYEN exchange rate to use?
  2. C

    US Social Secuty Benefits and Japan Income Tax

    @kristhuy Thank you. As I thought the Foreign Tax Credit is of no value to me. I've used Credits for decades before retiring, but now they are useless.
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    US Social Secuty Benefits and Japan Income Tax

    @kristhuy Thank you. "US citizens can't use the treaty to avoid US tax completely due to the saving clause in Article 1(4)," I am trying to avoid Japan taxes, not US taxes. Any idea on how a retired person who files no taxable income (SSA Benefits only) on his US tax Return can take use this...
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    US Social Secuty Benefits and Japan Income Tax

    @twhi Yes "IF" in 2025 I exceed the threshold and end up hving to pay US income tax, I believe I can apply the FTC. Are Expats hiring accountants in Japan to file their J-tax returns? Or is it something one can do on their own> Right now (because of my low income) I file my US return myself,
  5. C

    US Social Secuty Benefits and Japan Income Tax

    @twhi Yes I believe it will be quite low. Well at least for 2024. Next year will be a different picture with an entuire year's worth of SS benefits.
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    US Social Secuty Benefits and Japan Income Tax

    @twhi Thank you, but I don't see how the FTC either as Credit or Deduction helps a retired person with no taxable income. I think it's only useful if one has a taxable income against which to apply it.
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    US Social Secuty Benefits and Japan Income Tax

    @twhi Thank you very much. That corroborates exactly what I have been lead to believe. So after the 5th year, I presume I have to file both a US Tax Return as well as one for Japan. But since I pay no income tax on my SSA benefits to the US, I don't see how a "foreign tax credit" would apply or...