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    Is it worth it?

    @linc84 I misread the thread up there. You aren't being offered work with FFL. Forget what I would recommend. I can tell you what I do, but what do you actually want to do? 25 leads a week, assuming they are direct mail and not stomped on is more than enough to write enough business to keep...
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    Is it worth it?

    @linc84 I know FFL well because I know people who have worked there well. I would not recommend them per se, but you could do much worse. They are not wrong about how much you can make. That particular schedule and those hours will kill you. Sounds similar to how I got my start but I started...
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    Life insurance exam - how do they measure height?

    @antone Almost never will they actually measure you.
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    New York life custom whole life…explain please

    @guacamole Ok. I'm not sure why we are arguing about the definition of the word marketing. So you win. It's not a marketing term.
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    New York life custom whole life…explain please

    @guacamole Custom isn't a term anyone else uses for limited pay that I am aware of. It's a marketing term. It's just the name of the product. It also doesn't mean what it seems to mean on the surface. It is marketing. It isn't nonsense, but it's marketing.
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    New York life custom whole life…explain please

    @nicolewilliams Custom whole life if just a marketing term Nyl uses. Now, this may be a pretty good policy actually. NYL agents are often very good at designing this stuff to work well. Also the hate for whole life is overblown. But the custom part is just a marketing term.
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    Mom’s life insurance company won’t tell me whether I’m the beneficiary or not…?

    @homesteader Yes, this is normal. Unless your mother instructed the company otherwise you don't have a legal right to information on the policy. The company doesn't know you, your relationship with your mother or anything else. They just know you are not the owner of the policy and that they...
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    Can some explain like I’m 5?

    Oh, there is a possibility that instead of annual renewable you have an "age banded" five year term. Where instead of every year it goes up every 5 but makes larger jumps. It's also almost certainly not what you actually need.
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    Can some explain like I’m 5?

    @trnubian Your 5 year term is now in what is called "annual renewable term" phase. It goes up in cost every year until you reach the date where they will refuse to keep covering you. That is going to vary by carrier. But it's probably not for a long while. This isn't a bad thing if you have a...
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    Question re: Single Premium Life purchased for an infant

    @ativyl Ah good point, it's probably a MEC. Still even if you pay the taxes, you still have the bulk of the insurance Since it is earning dividends that accumulation will likely accelerate as the dividends build. Find out what's happening to them. If it is earning dividends that gives you less...
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    Question re: Single Premium Life purchased for an infant

    @hu1tz There is no downside to the policy The cash value will continue to accumulate and probably will start to accelerate in how quickly it grows (depending on some stuff). Does it earn dividends? Not all single premium policies do but many do. 17k for an investment is... Not much honestly...
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    Broker Quoted ~$150/mo for 30yr - 1mil Term Policy

    @aelfex I would be on the safe side and say you should quote regular rates but probably not worse. Not sure why he is quoting you so high.
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    Broker Quoted ~$150/mo for 30yr - 1mil Term Policy

    @aelfex How serious is the asthma? Regular inhaler use? More than one? Nebulizer? Ever been hospitalized due to it? Do you smoke? Depending on the answers to the questions about asthma, which genuinely can cause your rate to go up, I would run the term4salw quote at "regular plus" rates or...
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    Question on Universal Life Insurance

    I will ask a secondary question of, what is the purpose of this policy? Is the plan to use it as a defacto expansion of retirement planning? Legacy? What is the why for this policy? If it was set up correctly, your advisor probably didn't actually make much money on it. At that premium... He...
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    Question on Universal Life Insurance

    @clark_kent Eh, maybe. It's possible Get the illustrations. It's hard to know anything for sure without them
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    @stewart2014 Not necessarily. It depends on how they built it. If they built it correctly most of what yoh are paying isn't actually insurance premium and they don't get paid on that bit. It's called overfunding and it's good for you to do it up to a point. Too much and you lose the tax...
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    Question on Universal Life Insurance

    @clark_kent That can be correct if you fund the policy properly. It doesn't sound to me like it is being funded properly but I'm just guessing. Maybe you are in your 20s and it is? Call PacLife and ask for an in force illustration. Ask them to specifically illustrate the payment needed to have...
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    Choosing between 3 companies…

    @smb123 If those are the options, I would also strongly recommend North American/Midland for not much more I don't love Banner due to the lack of conversion options. Personally, as an agent, I like PacLife better than Protective but as an insurance buyer I don't think they are all that...
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    @jane3322 IUL can be great, genuinely really really great if... If is important 1) your agent needs to be competent. They have to overfund the heck out of the policy without messing up the tax advantages. This is tricky to do, but there is software to help. It also helps if your agent is...
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    Best life insurance leads vendors 2024

    @mickeym If you are willing to work face to face direct mail is still best. Lots of good lead houses. The Lead Connection, Lead Concepts and Need a Lead are all great.