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  1. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @chabod I did that Wednesday and now my calls forward to help desks that only pass on messages and I continue to ask for supervisors and am told no. I’m a remote software engineer and I can’t even VPN from the hotel so I’m having issues. Additionally this hotel is destroying my ALE and I want to...
  2. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @marie2018 Ale solutions was denied moving us into long term by homesite as of yesterday(hopefully only for now.) I absolutely didn’t think it would be closed and paid within two weeks. I’m here entirely for a sanity check and hope I haven’t been representing myself poorly. This is an entirely...
  3. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @hiimbryan This is all true. I’m very new to this and am just appreciative for the info and sanity check. It’s very overwhelming.
  4. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @sdtexas2022 I have not because everyone I’ve had look at the house doesn’t want to take it on because they think they won’t get paid because the home is destroyed. I have asked for help from insurance and it is not happening. Homesite has claimed every claim is a small claim until it isn’t with...
  5. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @resjudicata Homesite. I said my home was destroyed by a massive tree in an 80mph wind storm. We got a warning from state emergency system immediately before it happened.
  6. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @sinnerinthehands sorry for the late response - this has been pretty rough to handle so far. i'm going to message you.
  7. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @bfastpool Thanks. This was very helpful. Our main goal right now is to move to long term housing, currently homesite is denying it. After the 4th of July weekend I’m hoping this gets resolved. Once we’re in long term housing a lot of our stress will go away. The rest I very much understand will...
  8. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @stormcat95 I have asked every single call for 14 days now for assistance and I’m being told trust the process and it’s moving but every time I call(once a day) I get a different roadblock to the point that now they have my number forwarded to help desks. I have had tree removal people come out...
  9. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @stormcat95 I have asked for a supervisor every call this week and at this point my number goes straight to the call center instead of the adjuster. I’m with progressive subcontracted to homesite
  10. H

    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    The incident happened at 5:31am on 6/16/23 and was reported by 7:00 am. I got a call back from small claims at 7:30 that morning and I described what happened and he said oh fuck I’m small claims this is big claims. Let me put you in the queue. I asked for immediate housing from him for my...