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  1. M

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @heyheyheynoname Employer doubles that contribution. However is a DB pension so no ‘pot’ as such.
  2. M

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @loverintruth You actually need to speak to the pension provider to get a quote.
  3. M

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @loverintruth Yes you can - you can make Additional Voluntary Contributions which increases accrual from 1/54 to 1/45. However my understanding is these additional contribution is quite expensive (hundreds each month).
  4. M

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @zeenosue Ok - so for each year you pay full pension contributions, you get 1/54 of your salary guaranteed for the rest of your life when you retire. Also index linked so rises each year. So if you earn £27k, each year you get £500. If you earn £54, you get £1k. Means if you work 30 years at...
  5. M

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @markchen So noted - it may not work like that, but that how it worked for us. They were quite open about it and was clearly explained. Looking over this thread seems that I wasn’t the only one in this type of situation. Maybe it was considered a voluntary top up? Like I said, we were very...
  6. M

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @markchen It was how it worked 5 years ago - and I was very happy! Your experience may vary.
  7. M

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @resjudicata Good for them - personally I was happy to pay it. The government payment is too low and it means that the people we are entrusting to look after our kids are struggling. I would rather make sure I am paying for quality. They did a great job with the kids.
  8. M

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @eltan No - I was aware if that as well. I seem to remember the government 30 hours equalled around £5 an hour? The nursery was £9 per hour, per child (with 10% discount of the 2nd child!!!) It meant that when they worked out the sun of the 30 hours, it meant it was 20 hours per week fully...
  9. M

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @loverintruth Remember if you retire/leave policing BEFORE 55, your CARE pension is deferred until SPA (67).
  10. M

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @loverintruth Are you an Officer or Staff member? Officers are currently on the CARE scheme, which is a DB scheme which whilst expensive each month - will provide you with a decent income of 1/54 of your salary, for life upon retirement. Retirement of the Police CARE pension is at 60. You...
  11. M

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @chuckpeterson It’s been a few years - but at our nursery I seem to remember that the government ‘free hours’ pays less than the hourly fee our nursey charged. Therefore the 30 ‘free hours’ actually only equated to 20 free hours for us in a week. We then obviously paid the top up. Not ideal -...