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  1. L

    Filing CPP taxes for first time.

    @perry2 Because he doesn't want to deal with having to pay any taxes. Honestly, he's on the lower end of understanding scale. He didn't do taxes for almost 15 years, didn't have a bank account for almost that same amount of time. Only done odd jobs and lived with his daughter for the last...
  2. L

    Filing CPP taxes for first time.

    @junohannah Thanks. That's his only source of income.
  3. L

    Filing CPP taxes for first time.

    Last year was the first year my father in law received his CPP benefits. He only received them for November -December so he didn't get much. When he filled out his application he added for them to take off 15% for taxes. However his T4aP has nothing in the area for taxes deducted. Box 20 shows...