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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @ldarlingt No because a world ETF needs several currencies to buy underlaying stocks - EUR, USD, YEN ... This makes the currency risk a bit smaller as the swings cancel each other out (arguably still not fully due to balance of the etf). With a single county etf you don't get that balancing...
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    Time in the market beats timing the market

    @cindyfernandez If you ask this you are kinda not understanding stocks ... His comments were sarcastic because nobody knows the answer to your question.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @ldarlingt I advise you to use JustEtf - there you can select the ETF quotes in the currency of your choice. You will be surprised how much the historical quotes differ dependant on your destination currency ...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @evietheturtle Nice trick - I will willingly fall for it as you seem to be honestly curious. At some point you will want to buy something with your gains right? Maybe in 30 days or 30 years. Your gold will not be accepted at your čar dealership and you can not pay your bills or kids room at...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @evietheturtle For your own benefit you should figure this out by yourself.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @evietheturtle You need USD to buy them and when you sell them you get USD. Then you change it to EUR to buy your bread or caviar. Anyone who can't understand that should away from investing into traded instruments.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @ldarlingt Even if fund currency is EUR the money needs to be converted to USD in order to buy the stock. Unless you go into a currency hedged fund the currency exposure remains.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @ldarlingt One thing is where you live and what is your daily currency. Having it all in USD has a currency risk to it obviously.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @nigey777 It is however worrying seeing people unable and unwilling to grasp currency risk going into investing. If you want to have a fun read google CHF loans lawsuits in south east EU ...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @nathanh83 Leave them - those kids will do anything to stay ignorant.
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    Financing a car purchase

    @janetmal It's not a pedantry - there is an essential conceptual difference living life meaninglessly frugal dying with a loaded bank account or having some mundane pleasure once in a while without putting important things into danger.
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    Financing a car purchase

    @janetmal OP said s/he will reward s/him self not that s/he needs a new car.