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  1. D

    Company won’t give me (named beneficiary) any information

    @jeshurun1111 We don’t speak and I’m not willing to open up communication about it with her. I’ve sent a message to my cousin to see if she can find out for me
  2. D

    Company won’t give me (named beneficiary) any information

    @sunnysky There’s nothing missing at all. They contacted me because I’m a beneficiary as is my mum like I said. She filled out all that stuff and they only needed my bank details and my address etc from my end
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    Company won’t give me (named beneficiary) any information

    @tabinek I asked and the customer service person said no 😂 I’ve emailed the complaints line
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    Company won’t give me (named beneficiary) any information

    So I’m one of two beneficiaries on my stepdads policy. The other is my estranged mother. They contacted me to tell me I was on the policy and got me to fill out the forms with my bank details etc. this was over a month ago and I’ve heard nothing back. I have called and emailed several times...