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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @treasureuptheword An answer I can respect.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @treasureuptheword I could just as easily say that’s unlikely.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @deivid59 Guy who shows up early and stays late is a good employee
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @teeeecher1 In my job, if we work into the next hour, it’s paid. It’s just how it is.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @rrztop1 Good luck firing somebody/negatively effecting their education from a government funded state school, over a clerical error that he didn’t commit. There is definitely no potential headaches for his powers at be going that route. Definitely not.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @timothygrae It’s really not risky. The money being paid to this kid isn’t being missed by some corporate fat cat smoking a cigar.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @timothygrae All the more reason it’s likely not a big deal. A school with more money than they know what to do with this might be okay turning a blind eye to something so small like this.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @timothygrae I wouldn’t say clocking in when you get to work and clocking out when you leave is gaming any system.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @rrztop1 The payroll company should be getting looked at. Not the guy who is just going about his business clocking in/out.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @rnenow67 So you think this kid cracked some kind of code that no other student in university history has figured out? That nobody he’s currently working with has figured out either?
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @rnenow67 Because I think it’s entirely possible that this isn’t frowned upon. If it were frowned upon, I doubt it would happen. I doubt this kid is the only one at the office doing this.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @rnenow67 Well I would sure as shit think the payroll company/people they use represents theirs.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @fangirlinggod It’s par for course industry wide in my field. If you go into the next hour, you get the whole hour. Simple as that.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @megz088 Why would he get canned when it’s a payroll problem. It’s a company issue.