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    GBP v USD performance over the past 6 months

    @artg Just don't get involved in currencies at all. Go with a global index fund and ignore it.
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    U.K. Crisis Spills Into U.S. Junk Debt

    @resjudicata Your answer suggests the funds simply wanted to take more risk so they leveraged their assets. I don't believe that's the case. It's probably also illegal. Pension funds are highly regulated. The funds have predetermined future liabilities that they need to meet. They use a range...
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    U.K. Crisis Spills Into U.S. Junk Debt

    @alpha42 This is a key point. I've not worked for pension funds but I have worked for investment firms that sell products to UK pension funds. Everything I was taught about how the funds operate tells me they simply aren't allowed to increase their risk levels.
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    U.K. Crisis Spills Into U.S. Junk Debt

    @resjudicata Do you know this or are you guessing? I don't know the internal workings of these funds but I'd be very surprised if what you said is correct.
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    Is this a normal return for a workplace pension? +£73.09 (0.89%) in almost five years - honestly what can I do to improve this?

    @chosen808 Changed job 2.5 years ago and I'm completely flat since then. And that takes into account I was buying long after covid was a big issue. I must have missed some of the drop. The stock market and pensions are a long game. You need to be ready for drops, not just flat periods.