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  1. K

    With the BoE expecting inflation to reach >7% what are the best options when you may need the cash in the short term (1.5-3 years)?

    @amazingayla With interest rates going to rise and a record lowest 10 year fixed, announced the other day. Might want to factor that into the equation.
  2. K

    Stocks and Shares ISA or Guaranteed 8% YoY?

    @jewelz613 4% of £25k is £1,000. 8% of sweet f’all is £0. Unless you are likely to blow it all in the casino or illicit substances. Keep control of it yourself.
  3. K

    Theoretically, could you use salary sac and pension withdrawal to get around paying back student loan?

    @christianr_ £50k child allowance limit increasing to £60k and tapering off at £80k from April. Rather than the £60-£60k band now. As for using pension to escape the loans portion. While technically possible, it’s more financially punitive than the headline figures suggest.
  4. K

    Can we afford this increase in Mortgage?

    @proudpa2 Other have said you’re fine. Some points to add. NI is going to be £60 a month less from next months. Negating your energy bill increases. If you’re going for a 30 year mortgage. Just secure as long as you can get them choose to overpay. Keeps grantees monthlies down and assuming...