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  1. H

    26 y/o looking for advice on what to do with earnings

    @didier Yeah so the value is what matters....whether 38k buys you 1 bitcoin or 100 bitcoin, that largely doesn't matter...
  2. H

    26 y/o looking for advice on what to do with earnings

    @didier Why is the number (rather than value or outlook of value) significant?
  3. H

    26 y/o looking for advice on what to do with earnings

    @didier Why do you always quote the number of bitcoin someone could buy, as if the number rather than the value is in any way significant ?
  4. H

    26 y/o looking for advice on what to do with earnings

    @bleedingknight Ah I see. You're a teacher then I take it. All I know is teachers pensions are complex, I'd dicuss things with a FA if you can. I think cornmarket do a lot of work with teachers.
  5. H

    26 y/o looking for advice on what to do with earnings

    @bleedingknight Why do you say your pension is at a disadvantage? Just curious. I'd start upping the pension to max. I'd certainly max that out before investing that quantity in degiro.