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  1. J

    US January PPI 6.0% y/y vs 5.4% expected and US initial jobless claims 194K versus 200K estimate

    @allyb I’m not. Sense of intellectual superiority does wonders to people /s
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @theologyandfishing That's another silly assumption. EVs by themselves will become commodities in the near future, there will be less and less "Tesla is so nice" factor going in the future. Right now people like you are willing to go from a $25k Civic to a $50k Model Y because you can afford...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @theologyandfishing No, none of those numbers make sense. The luxury segment in the entire world is smaller than 12M cars, and you can’t make 12k margin on a non-luxury car. Tesla’s margin varies drastically between models. The cheapest Model 3 has a much lower margin than a Plaid Model S. If...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @theologyandfishing Please look up the difference between average and median. Vast majority of new cars are still far cheaper than $46k, and we are in a global chip shortage and supply chain crunch, which will need to go away for your 12M a year to even have a chance of happening. The average...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @theologyandfishing Barring crazy inflation scenario, that's not low enough if they want to aim for 12M cars a year. People simply aren't that rich. Secondly, rising water raises all boats. If they can make a 43% margin on a 37k car due to lowering cost of EV, someone would be able to take...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @theologyandfishing The economy of scale is what drove their margin to rise as they introduced Model 3/Y. But afterwards the Model 3/Y has seen nothing but price increase over the past few years. And surprise surprise...increase in ASP == larger margin. You can't get a $9k margin on a $20k...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @theologyandfishing If lower price has the same margins then Tesla would be canceling Model S/X and only be selling the cheapest Model 3/Y now. Since there is much higher demand for the 3/Y due to them being cheaper. Assuming margin stays static as they go after even the cheapest market...