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  1. M

    10 steps for saving

    @jeanniedot Look up the prime directive, or money guy FOO don’t reinvent the wheel
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    Advice on TSP

    @marezee61 L funds are already diversified between C/S/I/G/F. Having an L fund and diversifying how you are is redundant. The purpose of using the L fund is to follow a glide path along "the efficient frontier". Holding different funds puts that out of wack. If you're doing that deliberately...
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    Advice on TSP

    @cab1 Why not I?
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    I should 1.5x my income in 401k by age 35…?

    @jasonrporter0316 Easiest way to lower your tax burden is to max your 401K. If your effective tax rate is 30% then I just saved you $6,750
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    Car debt

    @kitty346 It's hard to gauge without other information, but $400 is roughly 18% of their pay. Not including fuel and insurance. Factor those in, and your likely looking at 30%+ just in transportation. From a bird's eye, it looks like the bought too much vehicle.
  6. M

    How is anyone enlisted still buying a house ?

    @turtledove13 Are you using the entirety of both or BAHs or are you trying to live off one income? Alot of folks up by me have to use both members BAHs to get a decent home. I was running numbers last night and I have to put down at least 20-30% (100K+) to get any where close to my BAH on a 3br...