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  1. L

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @lalpulamte The projected pension is decent but I also don’t want to also spend a large chunk of my working - never know what the future holds. I like the idea of relying on my S&S > SIPP > Work pension > state
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @newlysavedgirl Sound advice and yes, 60 is still the pension age. Ideally I’m looking at earlier retirement like 55. But aye you’re right. I’m going to speak to some sort of professional and get advice
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @julia736 So 16k in S&S ISA and 4k in S&S LISA? Good shout to be fair
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @julia736 Ideally as soon as possible haha but realistically I’d like to retire early to mid 50’s But yeah, I think my rough plan (I’m still devising!) is to max my S&S first and then either SIPP or GIA
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @rasico2012 The state pension just seems like a huge pyramid scheme. We have an aging population which will increase the tax burden, coupled with what appears to be a lot of younger people deciding against having children - so less future tax payers. It seems like a house of cards that won’t be...
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @karirose Haha that’s good to know! I do foresee a hunger games style future but we’ll see!
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @eblemons103 Thank you for commenting. Your right I need to speak to my employer and see what options they may offer
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @mirandaf I’ll need to speak to my employer but that’s interesting to know, it may mean I simply increase my contributions instead of SIPP
  9. L

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @jesusisworthy Yeah I don’t know the specifics but I don’t think I can contribute more (I’ll need to Check that) I pay in 13.5% as it is
  10. L

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @mirandaf Officer! And yeah, the officer pension is decent. I just want to fully secure my future post work (or more ideally, retire early)
  11. L

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    I currently pay into my employer pension (police) and I pay into a S&S ISS (Vanguard global all cap) but I don’t trust that by the time I reach state retirement age it will still exist in its current form (if at all). Would setting up a SIPP be worthwhile? That way if I get a state pension it...