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  1. P

    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @asperninja I'm going to assume you're young and answer accordingly. His employment contract states that he gets paid $8.50/hr. He isn't supposed to be getting paid $17 for working 61 minutes. There is a rounding flaw in their payment system. A flaw which he is purposely abusing. And yes, it...
  2. P

    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @asperninja Not paying taxes you don't even owe IS NOT theft... Accepting payment for work you did not do IS theft... If you can't tell the difference then I suggest you spend a little more time thinking about it. You'll get there.
  3. P

    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @megkh22 I'm always wary of people that lie/cheat/steal without remorse and do it simply because they know they can. Youre right, your son lacks ethical integrity. I wouldnt be too worried yet given your son's age, but I'd definitely have several talks with him about ethics. It sounds like...
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @megz088 100% agreed. Though children are pretty famous for taking dumb unnecessary risks.